Wild Boar?

"Remember not to get lost in this icy plain, because getting lost here is equivalent to being sentenced to death.

Of course, I know that this is difficult.

However, I can teach everyone a simple method.

Every time you walk about 50 meters, you can look back.

Check if your footprints are in a straight line.

If it's a straight line, then congratulations, you didn't deviate much.

But if not, you will have to make adjustments in time.

I know that this method does not look that good.

But sometimes, this simple method is quite effective.

For example, the more precise the instrument is, the easier it is to damage it.

Tools with simple principles can be used longer.

Of course, their usage is also relatively simple.

This is also why many explorers and expedition teams will bring a compass with them even if they have advanced positioning equipment.

Sometimes, this little thing can save your life. "