Fatal Temperature

After adjusting the angle of the live-stream, Bell said.

"Everyone, our luck is not bad. We found a cave.

It looks like a cave of a beast."

As he spoke, Bell crawled in and picked up a bone from the ground, holding it in front of the camera.

"This bone proves what I just said. There is even some fur scattered on the ground.

If I am not wrong, there should have been a carnivorous beast here.

It should be a Siberian tiger or brown bear.

But we can't be sure yet. The smell in this cave is already very faint.

Moreover, there are no footprints on the snow, so the beast should have left long ago.

This beast did not return for at least three days. "

Hearing Bell's words, many audience members in the live-stream asked Bell what would happen if this beast suddenly returned. Bell explained patiently.