Bell Under Attention

What really excited Bell was that he passed unscathed.

To be precise, he passed unscathed in this canoe.

This felt quite nice.

"Haha, that's great. Look, in this turbulent river, we still passed in the canoe!

I really love this canoe.

If not for the fact that it is too big to carry, I would definitely bring it back for collection. "

Bell revealed a regretful expression.

Holding this regret, Bell quickly entered the calm water.

Then, Bell continued to paddle slowly into the rainforest.

Riding on the canoe was indeed much faster than walking.

Bell felt that if he was lucky, he would probably be able to return to the civilized world by tomorrow.

This made him look forward to it.

The intuition of wild animals had always been very sharp.

Every year, the rainy season would cause a large number of flash floods.

Before this happened, animals would usually sense it.