Return Journey

The harpoon shot into the water like an arrow.

However, when Bell pulled out the harpoon, there was no sign of the red-bellied pacu.

Bell was not discouraged.

These red-bellied pacu swam very quickly, and it was very difficult to stab them.

Seeing that the water was calm again, Bell repeated his previous actions.

After a few tries, Bell finally stabbed a red-bellied pacu.

This pacu was not particularly big, only the size of an adult's palm.

The tip of the harpoon pierced through the piranha's body, but it was not dead yet. Its mouth full of teeth kept opening and closing.

He placed the red-bellied pacu in front of the camera.

Bell took out the dagger and placed it in the piranha's mouth.

There was a clang.

The piranha suddenly closed its mouth and bit the back of the dagger.

Seeing this, Bell retracted his dagger.