Bureau Chief Shocked By The Spirit Energy level

"Su Yu'er, I'm going to take a shower first. You should take a rest before all else."

Su Ming took off his tight suit when he got home.

He just wanted to take a good shower and relax.

"Hua! Hua! Hua!"

Hot water instantly gushed out from the showerhead of the bathroom and flowed down Su Ming's head.

Su Ming, who was drenched in the hot water, recalled what happened that day.

As time passed, the dangers in the world of spiritual power recovery have progressively increased.

Fortunately, Su Ming had the Demon Subjugation Sword with him now.

Ordinary minor demons would not pose any threat to him.

However, he had yet to experience the power of this sword.

Once Su Ming found an opportunity, he would give it a try.

"Let's see what kind of lethality this cold weapon has."

"With my current strength, I might not be able to defend myself against a demon if I encounter one for real."

"Therefore, I have to increase my spiritual power as soon as possible to defend myself in the unknown world that I'm about to face."

"Now, I still have a wife who is a fox demon to deal with, but as long as I love her very much, I don't think she would pose any threat or harm to me."

But that weird monk and the Spirit Energy Bureau he mentioned was something Su Ming still had to understand when he had the chance.

Su Ming didn't know if this organization would be helpful in improving his spiritual power.

"Su Ming, you haven't finished bathing yet. You have been bathing for a long time!"

Su Yu'er's voice in the room interrupted Su Ming's deep thoughts.

"Okay, I'm done now!"

Su Ming recollected his thoughts, wrapped his lower body in a towel, and left the bathroom.

In the room, Su Yu'er saw Su Ming coming out with his naked upper body.

Her eyes were wide open.

When she was held by Su Ming during their wedding, she could clearly feel that his muscles had become firm.

However, when Su Ming took off his coat, his muscles were exposed.

Su Yu'er could clearly feel that Su Ming was different from before.

His muscles were filled with a sense of power, and his every move exuded a powerful aura.

Su Ming noticed that Su Yu'er was looking straight at him, and then, she looked down at him.

He asked in confusion, "Is there something wrong?"

Su Yu'er noticed that Su Ming noticed her gaze and quickly lowered her head in embarrassment.

She said shyly, "No, it's nothing!"


Three days later.

For the past few days, the monk and Ming Mei had been paying attention to Su Ming and Su Yu'er every day.

They had already discovered their daily routines.

Every morning, Su Ming sent Su Yu'er to work and then went to a steamed bun shop alone for breakfast.

The monk and Ming Mei decided that when Su Ming and Su Yu'er parted ways, it would be the best time to approach Su Ming alone.

They arrived early and waited outside the shop where Su Ming often ate steamed buns.

Just as they had expected.

At 8:30, Su Ming appeared at the entrance of the steamed bun shop on time.

He ordered a tray of steamed buns and a bowl of porridge from the boss.

After Su Ming finished eating the steamed buns, he left the shop, turned around, and entered an alley to head home.

As he walked, Su Ming felt that someone was following him, so he quickened his pace.

Since he quickened his pace, the people following him also quickened their pace to catch up.

At this time, Su Ming had already secretly held the Demon Subjugation Sword in his hand just in case.

Just as he was about to turn around and confront the person who was following him, Su Ming heard a man's voice.

"Sir, may I have a word with you?"

Su Ming turned around and saw that it was the same monk whom he saw at the wedding.

However, there was a beautiful woman beside him.

Su Ming thought to himself, 'This monk is really persistent.'

The monk doesn't have a wife, so, he can't bear to see anyone else having a wife.

The monk spoke again. "Sir, let me tell you, your wife is a fox... demon."

The monk could not even say the word "demon".

Su Ming waved his hand and interrupted him.

"She's a fox demon! I know, you already told me that day!"

"We're already married, do you have anything else to say?" Su Ming was a little helpless.

At this moment, the needle in Ming Mei's spiritual force detector kept jumping.

Finally, it stopped at the highest position in the low, middle, and high areas.

It could even be said that it exceeded the highest value that the detector could measure.

Su Ming's energy level was off the charts!!

Ming Mei saw the needle and was extremely surprised. She looked around again.

She thought that there were other extraordinary humans around that affected the needle's scale.

However, there was no one else in that alley except for her, the monk, and Su Ming.

Ming Mei tugged at the corner of the monk's shirt.

She quietly showed the spiritual energy detector to the monk.

Even though the monk had many years of experience working in the Spirit Energy Bureau, it was rare to see such a high spiritual force value detected by the detector.

The monk couldn't help but be shocked. Nevertheless, he immediately recovered and continued to speak to Su Ming calmly.

"We have been observing that fox demon for a long time. It was for your safety that we stopped you from marrying her."

"We advise you to find an opportunity to leave her. Otherwise, one day, when she absorbs more spiritual power, it will pose a threat to your personal safety."

At this moment, Su Ming only wanted to go home as soon as possible.

He didn't want to listen to this monk's nagging.

Su Ming said to the monk, "I know what I'm doing." Then, he quickly left.

Su Ming withdrew, leaving the monk and Ming Mei in the same spot.

The other two checked the needle on the spiritual power detector again.

It wasn't broken. It definitely went off the charts!

"Go back to the bureau immediately and report to the chief! This person isn't just an ordinary one!"

The monk was worried but also excited.

Based on the monk's experience, Su Ming should be an extraordinary person with good talent.

Otherwise, it was impossible for him to cultivate such a high level of spirit energy in such a short time.


The monk and Ming Mei quickly rushed back to the Spirit Energy Bureau and immediately went to report to the bureau chief.

"Chief, we found an extraordinary person with an extremely high spiritual energy!"

As soon as the monk entered the bureau chief's office, he impatiently told the bureau chief.

The monk completely ignored the fact that there were other people in the bureau chief's office having a meeting.

Everyone in the office had their eyes on the monk.

As he spoke, the monk motioned for Ming Mei to show the results of the spiritual force detector to the chief.

The chief still squinted his eyes at the beginning.

The chief thought to himself, 'What kind of spiritual force value have I not seen before?'

Right now, the world was nothing more than a middle-value area.

It was just the difference in size in the middle-value area.

And when the chief received the spiritual force detector from Ming Mei, he couldn't help but sit up straight.

The chief spoke to everyone present with a solemn expression.

"Recruit this person immediately into the Spirit Energy Bureau at all costs!"