Haunting Of The Bald Monk

Su Ming, who had just left the park, once again heard the familiar voice. "Sir, may I have a word with you?"

He was completely speechless and helpless.

Why did this bald monk come to haunt him? It was incessant!

Su Ming looked in the direction of the voice.

As expected, it was the monk and the beautiful woman from last time. But this time, there was also another middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had crew-cut hair and a strong build. His expression was not that warm, but it wasn't cold either as he looked at Su Ming.

The three of them were dressed in black uniforms and stood in front of Su Ming.

Their attire did not match the quiet scenery of the suburban park.

"What do you want?"

This time, Su Ming did not wait for the three bureau workers to ask a pre-emptive question.

"Hello, Mr. Su Ming. We are from the Spirit Energy Bureau. This is our work permit."

As the monk spoke, he solemnly took out his work permit and showed it to Su Ming. Unlike last time, he only showed his badge.

The other two people, Wang Gang and Ming Mei, also showed their work permits to Su Ming.

Su Ming looked at them and nodded. He didn't say anything and waited for them to continue.

"Mr. Su Ming, this is our team leader, Wang, from our bureau. We're here to invite you to come and visit our bureau."

As the monk spoke, he gestured for Wang Gang to point at Su Ming.

Wang Gang looked at Su Ming as if he was showing off his authority.

"Spirit Energy Bureau?" Su Ming muttered.

The last time he saw the monk, he heard him mention the Spirit Energy Bureau. Since then, he wanted to have a chance to learn more about what kind of organization the Spirit Energy Bureau was.

Would it be helpful to him in improving his spiritual power?

And now that the people of this organization came to him, he could take this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the Spirit Energy Bureau.

Su Ming collected his thoughts and looked at the three workers from the bureau, indicating he wanted them to continue.

Wang Gang sensed that Su Ming was interested in the three words "Spirit Energy Bureau", so he continued.

"Mr. Su Ming, our Spirit Energy Bureau is an official organization. You saw the work permit just now."

"Our bureau chief sincerely wants to invite you to the bureau, so he can discuss a potential recruitment with you."

Hearing the middle-aged man in front of him say that the Spirit Energy Bureau wanted to recruit him, Su Ming hesitated for a moment and felt a little disgusted.

I, Su Ming, will be free and happy to accompany my wife to live a carefree life every day. Why should I join such an organization and be controlled by others?

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in your recruitment. Please leave!" Su Ming said coldly.

Wang Gang saw that Su Ming refused and knew that it was time to use his trump card. He said with contempt.

"Mr. Su Ming, don't worry. If you join the Spirit Energy Bureau, the bureau will definitely give you a generous remuneration. You can talk to our bureau chief about the specific details."

"My authority is limited, but I can tell you first that the monthly allowance is 50,000 yuan."

After Wang Gang said that, he still looked smug. In Wang Gang's heart, as long as he threw out the 50,000 yuan as bait, these people would be tempted.

At this time, Su Ming didn't care about the remuneration at all.

What Su Ming was puzzled about was what the three workers from the bureau in front of him were wearing. The Spirit Energy Bureau should be a formal and serious organization.

Why did these people come to him time and time again? Previously, they advised him not to marry his fox demon wife, and now, they invited him to join the Spirit Energy Bureau.

Was it just because his wife was a fox demon?

"Why me?" Su Ming asked bluntly.

Wang Gang was surprised when he heard Su Ming's question. Was it possible that the person in front of him didn't know that his spiritual power went off the charts on the spirit energy detector?!

Was Su Ming hiding something, or was he just pretending to be ignorant?

Wang Gang blinked and looked at the person in front of him again.

Wang Gang thought to himself, 'It seems that this person is not easy. He is young and scheming. I wonder if it will be easy to manage him once he is recruited into the extraordinaire group.'

"Mr. Su Ming, you really know how to joke. Last time, we had already detected it. Your spiritual power went off the charts on our detector!"

Ming Mei said frankly from the side.

Spiritual power value, explode?

Hearing the long-haired beautiful woman say this, Su Ming was even more confused. He still had some self-awareness about the level of his spiritual power value.

Although spending time with the fox demon wife every day might help him improve his spiritual power, it was not to the extent of exceeding the charts.

Su Ming was bewildered, but his expression appeared calm on the surface.

"How about this, Mr. Su Ming? Get in the car and come with us to the bureau. You can learn more about our Spirit Energy Bureau. If you have any questions, you can directly ask our chief!"

At this moment, Wang Gang had lost his patience. He just wanted Su Ming to get into the car and leave as soon as possible.

"Ding! Dong! Host, please, choose:"

The system's voice rang in Su Ming's ears again.

"Option One: Go with them to the Spirit Energy Bureau. Reward: Two movie tickets!"

"Option Two: Don't go with them to the Spirit Energy Bureau. Reward: Two buffet tickets!"

"Option Three: Go to the Spirit Energy Bureau with them, but don't ride in their car. Reward: Mind Reading Skill Level 1!"

Su Ming listened to the system's list of options, and of course, he chose the third option without hesitation.

As the old saying goes, you can't tell a person's heart from their face. With this mind-reading skill, even though it was only level 1, it was still better than not knowing at all.

After choosing the third option from the system, Su Ming turned his head and said to the three bureau workers in black in front of him, "Sure, I'll go to the Spirit Energy Bureau with you, but I won't take your car."

"You guys drive in front, I'll take a taxi!" After saying that, he turned around and left.

Once again, the three bureau workers were left like a mess in the wind.

"Are all big shots so arrogant?!"

At this moment, Ming Mei felt that Su Ming was extremely handsome and looked at him with starry eyes.

"What is he being cocky for? This is called being arrogant! Quickly get in the car!"

Wang Gang grumbled and urged Ming Mei to get in the car and leave.

A black business car was followed by a taxi.

Just like that, one after the other, they quickly drove towards the Spirit Energy Bureau!