Discovering The Mutated Beast

The next day, Wang Gang's team members had been searching the vicinity of the farm for two days with the spiritual energy detector, but they still found nothing.

Logically speaking, with so many exotic beasts gathered together, it should have a great impact on the spiritual energy detector.

But this group of exotic beasts seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Ever since that day, they hadn't come to the farm to attack other animals.

Today, the second team of the extraordinaires was sent to the farm to continue the search.

"Xiao Li, after we finish the mission, how about we take a look around here? Look at the blue sky and white clouds. What a beautiful day!"

Da Chao looked at the sky and couldn't help but sigh.

He had been carrying out missions every day for several weeks, so he couldn't enjoy nature like an ordinary person.

In fact, enjoying outdoor life was only the second reason. The main reason was that he wanted to have a chance to be alone with Xiao Li.

He had been paying attention to Xiao Li for a long time. He had always wanted to ask her out, but he had never summoned up the courage to say it out loud.

Xiao Li stretched her body tiredly.

She yawned loudly and said, "The weather is good, but we don't have the heart to enjoy it. We came out with a mission. If there is still no result this time, Leader Wang will be furious when we go back."

Upon hearing the word 'Leader Wang', Da Chao could not help but shiver.

"That's right. Last time, I was scolded to death by him, and he even threatened me!"

"He said he doesn't keep useless people in his team. If you still can't complete the mission, then get out of his group."

"Is that mission something that I can complete just because I want to? We have been working continuously for two days, but we still have nothing! But he is doing well, enjoying his leisure life at the bureau every day!"

Da Chao said angrily.

"So, we just need to try our best. He can say whatever he wants to say."

"Let's continue to work. If we still don't find anything, we'll call it a day!"

"You saw the miserable state of those piggies, right? I want to throw up. If they come out to attack again..." Xiao Li couldn't continue, and she couldn't help but shiver.

"Let's go and keep looking!"

Xiao Li pointed to the forest next to the farm and offered a suggestion.

"Let's go there and take a look first. It's easy to hide there. We might find something."

Da Chao was listless and agreed indifferently. "Let's go. I hope we can get something this time!"

With that, the two quickly came to the cave in the forest and began to search.

They took out the spiritual energy detector and began to search the area in pieces.

"Da Chao, you go over there. I'll go over to the cave over there to take a look. If there are any strange things, exchange information in time. Be careful!"

After Xiao Li finished speaking to Da Chao, she walked straight toward the cave.

As she walked, the needle on Xiao Li's spiritual energy detector started to sway. As she got closer and closer to the cave, the needle's value grew higher.

Xiao Li quickly notified Da Chao through the headset.

"Da Chao, come to my side quickly. There's a strange change in the spirit energy detector near the cave."

After receiving Xiao Li's notification, Da Chao quickly approached Xiao Li's location.

And the closer he got to Xiao Li, the higher the value of the spirit energy detector in Da Chao's hand started to jump.

When the two of them met, Xiao Li made three gestures with her arms to the left, front, and right, and then made a closing gesture.

Da Chao nodded knowingly.

The two of them crept closer to the cave.

When the two of them reached the entrance of the cave, the needle on the spirit energy detector had already stopped at the middle and high position.

"It seems that the demon beasts should be in this cave. We have to be careful. We just have to check their condition first, find out the situation, and report it to Wang Gang in time. Don't try to show off, understand?"

Before entering the cave, Xiao Li was still whispering to Da Chao.

Da Chao nodded when he heard her.

Although they were extraordinary humans, they still had to escape if they couldn't defeat these unknown and ferocious exotic beasts.

There was no need to fight them head-on and risk their lives.

The two of them entered from both sides of the cave, one on the left and one on the right.

As soon as they entered the cave, they saw a pair of red-light bulb-like eyes staring straight at them.

Xiao Li's firepower instantly lit up a ball of fire in her palm.

It was a giant rat the size of a dog. The giant rat was also frightened by Xiao Li's fire and ran towards the cave entrance.

Xiao Li and Da Chao dodged to the sides. The giant rat rushed out but didn't cause any harm to the two of them.

"Aiya, it's just a big rat. It scared me so much that I was covered in white sweat! I thought it was some amazing exotic beast." As Da Chao said that, he patted the soil on his body.

"Let's go, Xiao Li. Today is another day without any harvest." As Da Chao said that, he pulled Xiao Li and wanted to walk out of the cave.

"Da Chao, wait, wait, the data on the detector doesn't belong to that rat!"

Xiao Li looked at the needle on the detector in horror and spoke to Da Chao.

"Look, the rat has run away, but the spiritual power value here is still so high!"

Da Chao took a look at the spiritual power detector and couldn't help but be shocked.

At this time, the two of them looked into the depths of the cave at the same time. They saw nearly a hundred densely packed red dots at the top of the cave.

"Da Chao, those red dots are eyes!" Xiao Li whispered to Da Chao in fear.

"Yes, that... In a moment, light the flame in your palm and illuminate the cave. I'll take a photo, and we'll run out."

At this moment, Da Chao's voice started to tremble.

As he spoke, Da Chao secretly prepared his phone.

"Xiao Li, are you ready? I'll take the picture on the count of one, two, three!"

"One, two, three! Run!"

The moment Xiao Li lit up the blazing hole, Da Chao quickly pressed the shutter button on his phone while facing those eyes. After taking the picture, the two of them turned around and ran.

They had already run quite a distance away from the cave. The two of them were still a little frightened.

Only when they reached the car did they have the mood to take out their phones and take a good look at the appearance of the demon beasts in the cave.

The picture on Da Chao's phone was of 30 to 40 giant blood-eyed bats in the cave, and in the middle of the picture was a picture of the ferocious face of a bat that looked like a wild boar.

"Let's go back to the station! Report to Leader Wang!" Xiao Li urged Da Chao.