The Grey Wolf Isn’t Cute At All, Whimper!

The sightseeing bus, which Su Yu'er and the 18 children were in, broke down not long after entering the Siberian Wolf District.

The driver was so anxious that he was sweating. He tried to get the bus to start again, but after two or three tries, the bus still did not move at all.

At this time, the children still did not know what had happened. They thought that the driver had deliberately stopped the bus so that they could observe the wolf pack.

The sightseeing car that had suddenly stopped in the wolf pack's territory had also attracted the attention of some wolves. They slowly surrounded the sightseeing car.

"Teacher Su, look! The wolves are coming over to greet us!"

A little boy pointed his finger out of the car window and called out to Su Yu'er.

What Su Yu'er saw were a few huge wolves. Their eyes flashed with a strange red light. They stared fiercely at their car and slowly approached them.

As a demonic fox, Su Yu'er had a sensitive intuition toward mutated animals. Looking at the state of these wolves, Su Yu'er knew that they were not friendly.

Moreover, she was sure that they had been affected by the recovery of spiritual energy and had mutated.

"Children, sit in your seats first. There is a small problem with our sightseeing car. I have already contacted the park management office. They will send someone to save us soon."

The driver pretended to calm everyone down.

But before the driver could finish his words, a vicious wolf jumped onto the front cover of the sightseeing car. It stuck its big head on the windshield. It stared at the children in the car with its red eyes and bared its teeth.

The driver was shocked by the vicious wolf's pounce. He could not help but hide at the back.

It was the first time that the children in the carriage had seen a wolf at such a close distance. At first, they were all very excited and curious.

However, the wolf suddenly let out a loud howl. It opened its bloody mouth towards the children in the carriage, revealing its sharp fangs. Its ferocious look frightened the children.

"Teacher Su, the gray wolf in the 'Happy Sheep and Gray Wolf' is not like this." The child let out a whimper.

"Teacher, I'm a little scared..."

"Children, sit properly in your seats. Our sightseeing car is very sturdy. These wolves won't hurt us!" Su Yu'er calmly comforted the children.

"Teacher, I'm scared..."

A little boy sitting next to Su Yu'er was already sobbing. Su Yu'er carried him into her arms, touched his head, and hugged him with all her strength. She comforted him.

"Don't be afraid. Someone will come to save us soon!"

To her, these wolves would not affect her much. However, she still had so many children by her side. At this moment, Su Yu'er's heart was beating wildly.

She also wished that Su Ming could be by her side at this moment.

It was not necessarily because she wanted Su Ming to be able to deal with these wolves. It was just to give her some psychological comfort.

'Su Ming, where are you?' Su Yu'er muttered in her heart with a depressed expression, and then, she hugged the frightened children in her arms.

Suddenly, there was another loud howl.

More mutated wolves rushed out of the pack and surrounded the car.

This sound was coming from an even larger one-eyed white wolf on the hill behind them!

It was obvious that this one-eyed white wolf was the leader of this pack of wolves.

In an instant, the sightseeing car was surrounded by more than ten huge mutated wolves. There were also wolves using their sharp claws to grab the sightseeing car.

With the sound of tearing, the car started to shake, and claw marks appeared on it.

Although the sightseeing car's body was made of reinforced steel plates and was equipped with explosion-proof glass, many of the glass plates were cracked like spider webs from the giant wolf's claws. The steel plates of the car were even slashed open.

After the ruckus caused by the wolves, the inside of the sightseeing car immediately exploded like a pot. The children instantly became chaotic.

A few of the children were scared out of their wits and started crying loudly.

"I want to go home, I want my mother, I don't want to look at animals anymore!"

"Wa, wa, wa, wa! I don't like the gray wolf, I want to go."

Some of the children were sprawled on chairs, some were squatting on the aisle, and some were even sprawled on the ground. They were all hugging and crying together.

"Teacher, I'm scared. Sob, sob, I want to go home!"

"I don't want to stay here anymore. I want to go home! Sob, sob, sob..."

Su Yu'er comforted the children while urging the driver to try to drive the car away again.

Meanwhile, the driver had been driving a sightseeing car in this wild zoo for several years.

He had never seen such a shocking scene. At this moment, his legs were trembling from fear, and his whole body was covered in a cold sweat!

His trembling hands repeatedly inserted the car keys into the keyhole, wanting to start the car again, hoping to leave this place that was like hell on earth as soon as possible.

However, no matter how hard the driver tried, it was useless.

The incident of the sightseeing car breaking down in the scenic area had happened before. However, when the wolves or other ferocious beasts saw the cars parked in the scenic area, they acted as if it was none of their business, and they slept as if it was none of their business too. They continued to chase around, playing, and sleeping.

They did not care about the parked cars at all because they had seen too many sightseeing cars every day. They were already used to it.

The solution to the car breaking down was very simple. They just needed another car to tow away the broken car. Even if they did that, the ferocious beasts in the park would not pose any threat to the safety of the workers.

"Send someone over quickly! Quickly! We're in the Wolf District, and we're surrounded by wolves!"

The driver anxiously urged the management office to call again.

Just as he finished speaking, he heard two gunshots. He and Su Yu'er looked in the direction of the gunshots at the same time, and the two of them instantly heaved a sigh of relief.

It turned out that the zoo's management staff had rushed over with tranquilizer guns.

They saw two or three management staff holding tranquilizer guns outside the fence of the Wolf District. They fired two shots at the evil wolves surrounding their cars.

But as time passed by, Su Yu'er realized that the evil wolves that had been hit by the tranquilizer bullets did not have any reaction to the tranquilizer bullets. Instead, they attacked the sightseeing car even more violently!

Su Yu'er composed herself and was about to open her mouth to calm the children's emotions again.

She saw a trailer suddenly stop beside their sightseeing car. Su Yu'er focused her eyes and saw that the driver of the trailer was a man in black with a hat and a mask.