After Breakfast, Go For A Stroll And Rob A Bank?

Su Ming wanted to use the limited time he had in the car to gain the most comprehensive understanding of the opponent he was about to face.

He then asked the monk what skills these extraordinaires had awakened that the Spirit Energy Bureau knew of.

The monk replied to Su Ming, "Other than this extraordinaire who has awakened the teleportation skill, according to what we know, the rest of the extraordinaires have awakened mostly low-level skills such as fire and strength."

"However, we are not sure if there will be other extraordinaires with high-level skills on the scene."

Su Ming nodded slightly as he listened to the monk. He sighed silently in his heart that a newborn calf was not afraid of death. They only awakened such low-level skills, and yet, they dare to come out and do evil.

This was truly a bold move. If it was not for the bewitchment of others, normal people would not have done such a thing.

Su Ming listened to the monk's example of the skills possessed by these extraordinary people. It wasn't a problem for him. When he arrived at the scene, he would just have to act according to the circumstances.

Since Su Ming wanted to know where the ultimate boss was, then he should deliberately let a robber escape and use him as bait to follow the robber. When he finally knew where the ultimate boss was, Su Ming would capture them all in one go.

Su Ming took the information in the monk's hand and flipped through them one by one. They were indeed plain people with little information.

As he flipped through them, one of them suddenly attracted Su Ming's attention. This person was none other than the thin and weak man Su Ming met at the steamed bun shop for breakfast. However, he was extremely strong.

He was still able to eat steamed buns so leisurely in the morning. After eating the steamed buns, he went to rob a bank. This was quite unique.

Su Ming couldn't help but smile. Although this person was strong, he didn't seem to be very sharp. He was the perfect bait.


After some time, the monk and Su Ming finished explaining the information about these extraordinaires.

Su Ming closed his eyes and rested in the car. He wanted to use the last twenty minutes to think about what he might face and how he would react.


At the same time.

At the scene of the bank that was being robbed.

The bank that was robbed was the largest in the city. It had the most customers every day, and the cash flow of the bank that day was also the largest.

Fortunately, these robbers had chosen to rob the bank not long after the bank opened in the morning, and there were few customers in the bank.

After all, the robbers were there for the money, and taking too many hostages was a burden to them.

Because they knew clearly in their hearts that even if there was only one person, they could still have the effect of using the police and the government as a threat.

In the morning, not long after the bank opened, three masked men in black broke in. As soon as they entered the bank, the sound of a gun could be heard. "Bang! Bang!" Two shots were fired into the sky, shocking the entire scene.

The entire bank was in chaos. The customers and cashiers were scared out of their wits. They wanted to escape but could not.

One of the cashiers at the front desk took advantage of the chaos when the robbers were not paying attention and secretly rang the alarm.

When the police received the alarm, they immediately rushed to the scene of the crime.

There were already more than twenty police cars outside the bank.

The streets around the bank were also set up by the police to prevent the robbers from escaping.

But the robbers took hostages in the bank, the police did not dare to act rashly. Rashly breaking into the bank might cause personal injury to the hostages.

The robbers' condition to the police was to prepare a car for them before 12 o'clock and a small plane for them at the suburban airport.

If they could not do as they said, they would kill one person every hour.

So far, the robbers and police had been in a standoff for nearly an hour. There was less than an hour before the robbers' final deadline.


Inside the bank, almost all the large windows in the bank had been shattered by the robbers with their guns, and glass shards were scattered all over the ground.

More than a dozen hostages had been driven to a position against the wall by the robbers, holding their heads and squatting. All of them were scared out of their wits.

A few middle-aged women wanted to cry, but they did not dare to. They were all holding themselves back and shaking.

The robbers were four masked men. Their faces could not be seen clearly, but based on their figures, they were tall, short, fat, and thin.

At this moment, the tall man was holding a gun and standing beside the hostage, commanding the other three people.

"Fatty, quickly put the money in the safe of the teller over there into the bag! Hurry up!"

When the fatty heard the tall man urging him, he instantly lost his patience.

He felt that the actions of the teller in front of him were too slow, so he took the teller away. With a raise of his hand, the teller was thrown about 20 to 30 meters away. "Clang!" He rolled to the side of an iron door.

This sound also startled the other hostages, causing them to shout loudly.

From the looks of it, this fatty should be an extraordinaire person who had awakened his super strength. Relying on his incomparable strength, he came out to do evil.

After putting away the money in a safe, the fatty scanned his surroundings and immediately discovered his next target. In a corner of the wall, there was an even larger safe.

Then, the fatty went over and unscrewed the lock of the safe with a single punch. Even after unscrewing it, he still felt that it wasn't satisfying. With another blow, he punched a large hole in the steel plate on top of the safe.

After that, he even raised his fist proudly to look at it. Then, he looked at the big hole on the steel plate and smiled with satisfaction.

This was a typical case of someone who had nothing better to do and had nowhere to use his strength.

Just like that, the fatty opened the safe effortlessly. When he saw the gold bars inside, he revealed a greedy smile.

"Boss, there's so much stuff in this safe!"

Then, the fatty kept the gold bars in the safe in a bag as he reported the battle situation to the tall man.

When the tall man heard the fatty's words, he was very happy. However, he was not satisfied.

He continued to look around the interior of the bank to see if there were any other areas that he had missed.

At this moment, a row of cabinets against the wall attracted his attention.

"Shorty, go and see if there's any money in the cabinet against the wall."

The tall man ordered as he waved his gun and pointed to the row of cabinets against the wall for the short man to see.

The one called shorty looked in the direction that the tall man pointed and immediately narrowed his eyes with a greedy expression.

He saw that the short man, who had been at the other end of the bank lobby just a moment ago, instantly appeared in front of the row of cabinets against the wall.

This dwarf was the robber who had robbed Uncle Wang yesterday. He could already use his basic teleportation skill to perfection.

When he had just awakened this skill, he panicked a lot.

He had no idea what had happened to him. How could he have moved to another place with just a thought? Sometimes, teleportation was not good, and he even bumped into the wall, causing his face to be bruised and swollen.

Until one day, a mysterious person came to him, brought him to a place, and taught him some methods to use teleportation skills.

That was how he was able to use it so skillfully.

And this mysterious person was the mastermind behind this bank robbery.

The short man had just teleported to the cabinet against the wall when the skinny man also came to the cabinet at the same time and broke the cabinet's door down.

However, what they saw greatly disappointed them. The cabinet was filled with paper materials. Not to mention gold bars, there was not even a single cent.

When the thin man saw this scene, he was extremely angry. With a wave of his hand, he flipped the entire cabinet on the wall to the ground.

Just as the two of them were about to turn around and leave, they heard the tall man shout, "Look behind that cabinet, there's a door! It should be the vault's door!"