The Next Target, Mint HQ!

Su Ming followed the information he got from outside of the bank.

He knew that the big guy was guarding the hostages outside while the other robbers were inside the vault.

This was the perfect time. Su Ming could finish off the other three people in the vault before going out to deal with the big guy.

At this time, the three robbers were happily holding gold bars and large amounts of cash in the vault. They were chatting unscrupulously while putting on their clothes.

"Fatty, I didn't expect that robbing a bank would be so easy. Hahaha! We succeeded this time. We can do big jobs again in the future."

The short man picked up a gold bar and bit it with his teeth. He spoke proudly.

"I don't want to rob a bank anymore. It's boring!"

When the fatty said that, the others looked at him in shock.

"Next time, we'll go to the head office of the Mint! How much money do you want? Print it yourself! Hahaha!"

After the fat man said that, he laughed proudly.

"Aiyo, Fatty, your brain is still working. Awesome! Really awesome!"

The thin man remarked as he gave the fatty a thumbs up.

At this moment, Su Ming, who was in the corner of the vault, heard the voice. It was the thin man from the bun shop in the morning. His voice was rough and did not match his figure.

Su Ming cautiously poked his head out from the corner and looked at the position of the three robbers.

The thin man's back was facing Su Ming. The other two robbers were squatting at two cabinets not far away while collecting cash.

Su Ming had a plan in mind. Now was the best time to attack. He would first take care of the thin man in front of him and then deal with the other two. Perfect!

Su Ming turned around and came behind the thin man. Without waiting for the thin man to make any sound, he knocked the thin man unconscious, dropping him to the ground.

Su Ming knew what he was doing. He wanted to use the thin man as bait to lure out the mysterious person behind the scenes. Of course, he wouldn't kill the thin man directly.

At this moment, the other two robbers were still immersed in the joy of loading the gold bars. They didn't know that one of their companions had been taken out.

Su Ming looked at the two people in front of him. He knew that one of them had a teleportation skill. Next, Su Ming had to deal with the person who had a teleportation skill first to avoid alerting the enemy and letting him escape.

But which one of these two people was it?

Just as Su Ming was a little confused about these two people, he saw the fat man lift the two bags of gold bars with one hand and easily put them on the table.

If it was a normal person, it would not be easy to drag a bag full of gold bars. This fatty could lift the two bags of gold bars effortlessly like lifting a chicken. This meant that this fatty had awakened his strength skill.

Su Ming turned his head to look at the short man on the other side.

At this moment, the short man was putting gold bars into the bag. He even rubbed the gold bars on his face and kissed them. He looked like he was enjoying it.

With a thought, Su Ming teleported behind the short man. He patted the short man and immediately disappeared into the corner.

The short man was so scared that he raised his head and said angrily to the fat man, "Damn Fatty, what are you doing?! You scared me."

The fat man was stunned by the short man's roar. He looked at the short man and said unhappily, "I patted you? Are you out of your mind? I'm perfectly fine here!"

When the short man heard the fat man's words, he looked around the vault. Just as he was about to continue loading the gold bars, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. Why did the thin man disappear?!

Just as the short man was about to call out to the thin man, Su Ming suddenly appeared behind the short man. Su Ming used reverse twist and lightning. Before the shorty could react, Su Ming finished him off.

Then, only the fat man was left in the vault.

Su Ming didn't want to waste too much time with him. With just a thought, he used a lightning skill to stun the fatty.

At this time, Su Ming had already taken care of the three robbers in the vault. Next, he had to deal with the big guy who had the fire skill outside.

Before Su Ming left the vault, he thought for a while.

The tall guy was with the hostage. If he acted rashly and angered the tall guy, it would pose a threat to the hostage's safety.

To get rid of the tall man, he had to first ensure the hostage's safety. He had to bring the hostage to a safe place before he could kill the tall man without any scruples.

Su Ming thought about it and teleported to the side of the hostages who were squatting on the ground. Just like the other hostages, the rest were also squatting on the ground.

At this moment, a young female bank teller was beside him. She saw Su Ming suddenly appear beside her and looked at Su Ming in disbelief and shock.

The female teller was so scared that she was about to shout, but Su Ming covered her mouth and made a gesture to her to not make a sound.

When the female teller calmed down, Su Ming whispered to her, "Don't make a sound. I'm here to save you!"

When the female teller heard Su Ming say this, she suddenly felt that her experience today was like watching a sci-fi movie, and this Su Ming in front of her was like Superman, not Iron Man... Anyway, it had overturned all her knowledge.

As Su Ming spoke, he looked around. At this time, the big guy's back was facing the hostages, and from time to time, he even yelled at the vault, "Can you guys hurry up? After you pack a bag, take out a bag and let me see it!" It turned out that the big guy was impatient to see their spoils of war in the vault.

He didn't know that his companions had already been dealt with in the vault.

Su Ming looked back and suddenly saw a VIP sign. Not far behind him and the hostages, there was a VIP room.

It was perfect for the hostages to hide in this VIP room first. Moreover, the glass in the VIP room was thick. Even if there was a fierce fight later, it would not pose a threat to the hostages' personal safety.

Thinking of this, Su Ming whispered to the female teller beside him, "Can you open the VIP room behind us?"

When the female teller heard Su Ming's question, she subconsciously looked back at the VIP room and nodded.

"Alright, call the people beside you. Each of you, pass a message. I will cover for you. All of you quietly retreat to that VIP room."

Just like that, the hostages passed one message after another. Before the tall man noticed them, they all quietly retreated to the VIP room.

Just when there were one or two people left and the hostages were about to completely retreat to the VIP room, the tall man suddenly turned his head. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes were filled with shock and extreme anger!

How did the hostages disappear right under his nose in such a short amount of time?!

And how did the man in front of him manage to enter without anyone noticing? In a split second, before the tall man could react, Su Ming had already sent a shockwave towards the tall man.

Su Ming had already used his wave vibration skill against the tall man and pushed him against the wall. In an instant, the wall caved in, and a spiderweb-like crack appeared.