Inexplicable Energy Attack

On a deserted island.

On a small island not far from Su Ming's city.

This small island was surrounded by the sea. There were many wild animals on the island, such as monkeys, wild boars, and even wild wolves.

Due to the influence of spiritual energy recovery, the animals on the island had begun to mutate.

The seemingly peaceful island was actually full of danger.

A red-eyed wild boar the size of an ox was looking for food in the bushes. Suddenly, a dozen hyenas came up, and in a few minutes, all that was left of the wild boar was a pile of bones.

The wild boar didn't even have a chance to resist. The wild boar probably died without even knowing what happened.

At this time, in the sea next to the island, there was another small island. The island was filled with white seabirds. The seabirds sometimes flew up and sometimes fell down. It was a peaceful scene.

Suddenly, the small island seemed to have experienced an earthquake. It rolled left and right, causing huge waves that were 4 to 5 meters high in the sea. The seabirds that were previously perched on the small island were also frightened and flew in all directions.

Following that, an even bigger wave was raised.

The head of a huge monster appeared in the sea. It turned out that this was not a small island, but a huge beast that was 400 to 500 meters long. The seabirds that were perched on the back of the huge beast's head were just the back of its head.

This giant beast had the head of a crocodile, but its body was like an octopus. Each of its ten tentacles was like a giant chimney. Not to mention a human, even a car would be twisted into a twist under the grip of these tentacles.

The ten or so tentacles of the giant beast were like a group of demons dancing in the water, raising huge waves.

Suddenly, one of the tentacles grabbed a shark from the sea and sent it directly to the mouth of the monster.

The monster opened its bloody mouth and revealed its sharp teeth. However, it did not use its teeth at all. The tentacles threw the shark into the mouth of the monster.

The shark disappeared in an instant as if it had entered a black hole.

The monster that had eaten the shark was not satisfied. Instead, it raised its head and looked in the direction of Su Ming's city with its two huge red vertical eyes.


At the same time.

In a control room of the Spirit Energy Bureau.

The chief and a few staff members were looking at a big screen. On the big screen, they could see a red dot moving.

This red dot was the thin man who had escaped. As expected, the thin man did not return to his home. Instead, he stopped at a villa in the suburbs.

The mysterious person who had instructed the thin man and the others to rob the bank should be in this villa district.

However, the Spirit Energy Bureau did not know who this person was, whether he was an extraordinaire human, or what kind of skills he had awakened.

More importantly, what method did this person use? How could he have discovered these awakened extraordinaire humans before the Spirit Energy Bureau and manipulated them? This really made the bureau chief think in horror.

The bureau chief looked at the spot where the red dot had stopped. There were also some signs of extraordinaires that they had discovered before, and whether these extraordinaires were also manipulated by this mysterious person left a big question mark in the bureau chief's heart.

"Bureau Chief, look here!" Just as the bureau chief was still pondering over these extraordinaires, his train of thought was suddenly interrupted by the staff member's exclamation.

The chief looked in the direction the staff member pointed and saw a blue dot on the big screen approaching their city.

And the blue dot on the screen represented a huge ball of energy.

"Chief, what could this be? Looking at its current location, it should be in the sea, but what could produce such a huge amount of energy in the sea?"

A staff member spoke to the chief while zooming in on the blue mark on the screen.

"Chief, look at the direction it's heading towards. It's heading towards our city," the staff member said to the chief while looking at the big screen. However, the chief had already noticed this.

As though his eyes were burning, the chief looked at the big screen. He was silently calculating in his heart. Looking at the speed of this energy ball, it should arrive in the city in less than two days.

But what exactly was this energy ball and why was it heading to the city? The question marks piled up in the chief's heart, causing his mood to become unusually heavy at this moment.

No matter what it was, in this world where the spiritual energy was recovering, it definitely did not come with good intentions.

The chief raised his head to look at the time on the wall. It was already nighttime. It would not be appropriate to summon Su Ming and the others to the Spirit Energy Bureau for a meeting at this hour. After all, everyone had already dealt with the robbers during the day, and they were all very tired now.

The chief looked up at the other staff members in the testing room and said to everyone calmly, "No matter what this is, let's have a good rest today. After all, we still have some time before it arrives."

The chief sent the staff members back to rest while he stayed in the testing room for a period of time. This night was destined to be a sleepless night for the chief.

Early the next morning.

At Su Ming's house.

Yesterday, Su Yu'er received a call from the Flower Fairy. She had been worried as if something was on her mind, but she still forced a smile in front of Su Ming and pretended to be fine.

However, after all, Su Ming had been with her day and night for so long, he could more or less feel that Su Yu'er was different.

Last night, Su Yu'er also did not sleep at all.

That night, Su Yu'er tossed and turned. For the entire night, she was like a pancake, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

Su Ming clearly felt that Su Yu'er had something on her mind, but he still felt that it was inappropriate to ask her directly. He was afraid that Su Yu'er would discover something, so he pretended that he did not know anything.

This morning, Su Ming woke up and kissed Su Yu'er as usual. Just as he was about to get up, he heard Su Yu'er say, "Big Ming, where did you go yesterday?"