That’s Hot

They lift their back from the wood wall and lean into my face. I don't resist, it's not like I have a significant other. But I've been friends with them since I was five. It almost seems illegal.

Their lips were soft and smelled like raspberries. My heart fluttered as we grew closer. They brushed their fingers through my hair as they lightly pushed me down. The taste of them was like an addiction. I wasn't sure how I felt about them, about us.

Their cute little grunts of satisfaction kept them going. Our heat mixes together causing the air to feel thick. They pushed me farther toward the ground until my back was flat against the floor. Their waist sat on mine as they leaned over me. Butterflies swirled around in my stomach. I swear they can feel them too. I wrap my hands around their waist. They let out a soft moan. They plant soft kisses behind my ears. I have no idea they knew that was my weak spot. I left out a soft moan, too. They left a mark of the moment on my neck.

I spin around to where my back is on the wall. I pull them onto my lap again. Our faces are so close.

"Promise you will stop," I whisper in their ear whilst kissing it softly.

"I will if you will," they moan.

"No starving or anything either!" I yell.

"WHAT!" They yelled, "how did you know?"

"You've lost weight," I sigh.

It went silent. They were embarrassed.

"Uhm," they stutter, "my name is Harlow."

I hugged them, "I'm so proud of you, Harlow!"

Harlow's shirt was completely unbuttoned. I pressed my hand on her stomach. My neck jerked to the side. They grabbed my head by placing both hands on my ears. My head tried to jerk again. Their grip strengthened.

"Thanks," I blush.

They smile. Then, it fades.

"Shit," they yell, buttoning up their shirt, "I've got to go."

"Tomorrow?" I ask.

"Sure," they blush.

I watch them fade into the distance of the forest. I slumped. I wish we weren't so similar. I wish I could support her while I'm still okay. I wish I didn't starve myself and cut myself.