Mental Facility

I woke up from my horrendous nightmare. I was face to face with George again. I tried to run, but no, I couldn't move. He looked at me dead in the eyes and said, "I'm coming." I feel like that's something a middle schooler would laugh at. The adrenaline in my body does not agree.

I've been practicing innocuous self harm. I have had nasty finger nails my whole life. It's not just my nails. They won't grow out because my skin is trying to eat them. I grab a pair of clippers and clip away the skin. At first, light layers, then, until I bleed. It feels nice.

I rub my hickey. Yesterday was wild. I'm addicted to them. It's the sad truth. What if I don't for sure like them, then end up breaking their heart. I guess I'll never know.

I laid on my bed. I wish summer wasn't going to end. My phone was buzzing, but I ignored it. I crossed my legs and looked up at my ceiling. An lesbian flag along with a polygender flag are pinned to the ceiling sprinkled with ivy. If it weren't already obvious why I was a lesbian. However, I had no idea that Harlow was queer and why.

I finally picked up my phone. "GET HERE NOW!" Harlow was blowing up my phone.

"K," I responded , "quick question, what is your sexuality?"

"Omni," she answers.

Perfect. I open the bottom drawer of my dresser and take out an omnisexual flag and my old non-binary flag. I roll them up like sushi.

"Treehouse?" I ask her.

"No," she responds instantly, "my mom has me on house arrest." I chuckled. I trot into the living room.

"Nope," my mom shouted, "her mom doesn't want visitors."

"I can't go out to the-"

"The answer is no!"

I stormed back to my room. I paced back and forth.

"Shit," I groaned.

I looked out the window. Rain spattered on the frame. It was my only option. I pulled the window screen up and crawled out of it.

Harlow lived across the street from me, so I had to make it look like I wasn't going to their house, just in case their mom saw me.

I put the flags on top of my head so that I wasn't going to be drenched. I walked away from their house then crossed the street and walked back that direction. It was a good thing their window was in the front on the right side of the house.

I lightly tapped the window. They heard me and opened it.

"Thank god!" They whispered.

"I brought you a little something," I said, unraveling the flags.

"Oh my god!" Harlow cried at a loss for words.

They hugged me with their arms over mine. I kissed them back. I then remembered why I was here, I pulled away.

"What was so important that you needed to tell me?"

"My mom found my scars," Harlow cried.

"Shit," I hugged her.

"And my hickey," they covered my shirt in snot.

"No," I whispered.

"She is begging me to tell her who gave it to me!" Harlow raises their voice. "And now I'm going to a mental facility!"

"I'm so sorry, that was my fault."

"It's okay!"

"Harlow?" Their mom yells from the other side of the house.

"Coming," they give me a side eye.

They leave the room. I flatten myself on their bed.

"It smells like them," I thought to myself.

I stood up and walked around the room. It was kid core because her mom decorated it. Her mom is strictly Christian. I don't have a problem with it but she stands by it.