
"We are here," dad yells and then pretends to play a horn.

"Huh," I yawn.

He pulls up to a disgusting yard. Huge 7 foot fences with wires on top.

"Is this a prison?" I shouted, "DO YOU LIVE IN A PRISON?"

"Yes and no," he stated calmly. He sipped his sprite.

"Are you a criminal?" Of course I'm still delirious.

He spits it out on the dashboard. "Hell no!" Then, bursts out laughing. I cock my head sideways. "I'm the warden!"

He still chortles softly. He pulls into a nicely kept area where a beautiful modern house is.

"You can grab your bags in a second," Dad shouts, "let me give you a tour!"

He opens the door with a keycard. The house smells like tea tree oil. A petite woman with luscious curves stands leaning over the island. She has long platinum blonde hair.

"Hey hunny," she walks up to my father, "hey Madelyn!"

Ugh, she must be my stepmom. "For the twenty-seventh time, it's Arden."

Both stepped back, "sorry."

A girl around my age, maybe a few years older, stepped out.

"Couldn't help but overhear," she blurted out, "hey, I'm Fay." Something about her made me smile.

"I took everything out of your room," dad says.

Shit. I bet he saw a lot of things he wasn't supposed to see.

"I'll talk to you later," he whines.

Fay signals me upstairs. I follow her blindly. The house looks huge from the inside, like a mansion. The stairwell was made of glass. She opens the second door to the right.

"Dad can be stuck up from time to time." She whines while closing the door.

My phone buzzed. I picked it up to see a text from Harlow. "I GOT PHONE PRIVILEGES!"

"Good for you." I say coldly.

"Sorry to burst your bubble," Fay interrupts, "but dad may take away your phone, giving your conditions."

I stay silent, laying my phone face down. Fay had luscious brown locks and a diamond jaw line. Her eyes sparked, even if they represented black coffee. Shoot, if I weren't related to her, I'd probably kiss her.

"So," she says, "I'm not special or anything. I'm just an ugly cis straight girl."

"Hey," I interrupt, "that's not true."

She lifts an eyebrow. "You, have the hots for me?"

"Geez, not like that," I chortle. There was a large pause of just smiling. "So who is your mom? What is she like?"

"She's a breeze," Fay screeched, "Dad told me about your mom. She's- uhm- difficult."

"Don't be shy," I ask. She gives me a nervous smile. "Narcissistic."

"That was the word!" She intervenes. I laugh.

We both lay on the width of her bed. "How does it feel?"

"What?" I ask.

"You know," she tries to find the words to describe it, "like you and whoever you hook up with. How does it feel?"

"Do you want all of my life's details?" I laugh. She nods, smiling.

"I met a girl named Harlow. Man, we were best friends for at least 8 years. Nothing ever got…sexual. She kept her sexuality hidden from me. Just recently, she came out to me, Non-binary and Omnisexual. I also saw their SH and ED. I begged them to stop. I don't know if they did or not. That night, they confessed that they have been in love with me. I, personally, never even thought about it. We made out in the treehouse. I wasn't sure if I loved them. But they made me feel more alive than I was when I was born. The next day, their mom found their scars, and Harlow called me over. I instantly comforted them. One wrong move and Harlow's mom could have found out their secret. I couldn't resist them. I pinned them to the wall. Harlow couldn't take it. They started fucking me. They didn't care what her mom would say. After what felt like an hour, her mom barged in. She started cursing in French! I was the reason she was sent off to a mental facility and a conversion camp!"

Fay sat there eyes wide open with her jaw dropped like an idiot. She let me have my silence. "I am so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault," I giggled.

"Neither yours."

"Yes it was!" I yell.

Fay laid her hand on my shoulder, "it wasn't."

A tear was pushing on my eyelids. I try to look up, to push them back.

She pushes me down on the bed and wraps her arms around me. "It's ok."

"If it makes you feel any better," she grabs my chin and lifts it up, "there are a few lesbians here who have the hots for you." Fay giggled.

"Well," I sniffle, "you might have to show me around then."

I sit up. "Where's my room?"

"Oh yeah," she bonks her head, "I completely forgot."

She leads me across the hallway. The door creaks softly. The room is dimly lit, with candles lighting the corners. Tapestry hangs on the walls. It looks almost exactly like my old room.

"My dad showed me pictures of your old room," Fay says, "I decorated it!"

I hugged her tight, "thank you so much!"

"I'll leave you to it!" She leaves.

I wave. I run and jump on the springy bed. My phone buzzed again.