First Day

"Here's you cabin," she showed me an elegant working place.

Now, I'm more excited than nervous.

"And that is Mr. Parker's office," she pointed the double doors and I nodded.

His office is just beside my cabin.

"Just know that he can see you through that tinted glass," she explained and asked me to sit down with her.

I really wish that I won't sleep here accidentally because if I do, I'm doomed.

"How long have you been working here, Ma'am?" I asked politely.

"Please, just call me Emily," she insisted. "I've been working for him for more than a year. You were hired to replace my position. Mr. Parker asked me to extend my work for a month so I could train and get you ready for this work," she explained.

I wonder why she never lasted for at least two years on being Mr. Parker's secretary. But I think it's inappropriate for me to ask her why she decided to resign. It's a personal thing.

Maybe Mr. Parker flirted with her?

No, I must not be judgmental.

"Okay, so first things first." She handed me a tablet. "Every morning, you'll need to show him his schedule for the whole day."

I quickly stood up but she stopped me.

"Mr. Parker's not there yet," she explained.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just a little excited," I smiled awkwardly as I sit down.

"It's okay," she chuckled. "Second thing, you should monitor his schedule and you'll need to remind him of it for at least 10-15 minutes before the meeting. If his meeting will be held in other places, remind him earlier. Oh and by the way, whenever you're talking to him, always speak formal and straighten your body. Also, don't call him Mr. Deckard or Parker. That's a sign of disrespect," she explained and I simply nodded.

I starting to look up to her. I feel like I was being trained by a professional.

"When he's around, don't walk or act so lazy in front of him. Next thing is you need to bring him snacks at exactly 10:00 AM. I'll show you later where the snacks are," she said.

Emily was about to teach me more when Mr. Parker came with his uhm…bodyguard?

She quickly stood up and I felt like I needed to stand up too so I did.

"Good morning, Mr. Parker," she greeted him formally.

"Good morning," he said and stopped walking when he saw me.

He looked at me from head to toe again just like what he did to me yesterday. I thought he was examining my whole life with just a single stare.

"Good morning, sir," I said, trying not to embarrass myself.

"Make sure she'll learn everything as soon as possible," he was talking to Emily while looking at me.

I wasn't sure of what I'm doing. He looks so intimidating.

"Yes, sir," Emily responded.

He then walked towards his office so we sat down.

Emily asked me to do the first thing she taught me; showing him his schedule.

I stood up and walked slowly but confidently. Why am I getting nervous and nervous as I walk towards the door?!

This is insane!

I knocked before opening the door. I saw him leaning on his chair like he was waiting for me to come inside, but that's impossible.

"Here's your schedule for today, sir," I handed him the tablet. He accidentally touched my hand!

Okay, don't freak out, Liv.

After a few seconds, he gave it back to me. He opened his laptop to start working.

"I hope you're doing well with your training, Olivia," he said before putting back his attention to the screen.

"T-thank you, sir," I stuttered.

I need to get used to his presence. I can't be nervous like this all the time!

I went back to our cabin. Emily taught me more about the paper works. It was actually harder that I thought. And also, Mr. Parker was right. There's nothing similar about this on my work at the publishing company.

I remembered Mike again. I wonder if he's still being controlled by that little bitch who messed up with me. If he finds out the truth that I didn't plan to steal anything, I feel sorry for him for not believing in me. That's the price.

After being a little haggard with just listening to Emily's reminders, I saw the digital clock on our table and it's already 9:50 AM. I need to prepare his snacks.

"Come with me," she stood up and so do I. "I'll show you where the snacks are."

We went into a room where the coffee machine and biscuits are.

She taught me how to properly arrange the cup and the plate of biscuits on the tray.

"Remember, Mr. Parker doesn't like too much sugar on his coffee. One cube is enough and add two tablespoons of creamer," she demonstrated.

I held the tray as we go back to our cabin. She reminded me not to slouch before letting me go to his office once again.

I opened the door and I saw him signing some papers. I'm actually getting a hint that he loves his work more than anything. He glanced at me while I was putting down his snacks on the table.

"Hmm," he hummed like he was impressed. He suddenly spilled the coffee a little that's why I panicked.

"Sir, are you okay?" I got the tissue and I tried to wipe his collar until I realized how near I am to him.

I was fascinated when I saw his deep blue eyes and his natural red lips. I never imagined that a CEO could be this attractive.

He snapped his fingers in front of my eyes which made me flinch a little.

"I'm fine, you can go now," he insisted while wiping the coffee in his collar.

"Yes, sir," I said.

I closed my eyes in embarrassment. What was I thinking? I should've just given him the tissue and let him clean himself.

"Liv, you okay?"

Emily must have seen me acting a bit weird.

"Yes," I responded before sitting down.

"How's your first day?" Alice was beside me while I'm making photocopies.

"The day's not over yet, silly," I chuckled

"But how did it go?" She asked again.

"Just by looking at these papers makes me tired and exhausted," I answered using a tired voice.

But I also know that I'll get used to this sooner.

"How about your cute boss?" She constantly raised her eyebrows at me like she's teasing me on something I don't understand.

"Cute boss, huh," I smiled. "Well, it seems that it's not that hard to work with him. He just looks a bit intimidating," I honestly answered.

"Hot guys tend to look so intimidating," she chuckled before getting back into his boss's office.

"I guess not," I talked to myself.

I went home with Alice because she gave me a ride.

Today was so tiring. I went immediately to my room to take a little rest before taking a hot shower.

The next day, I woke up earlier. I took a bath before cooking breakfast. I brushed my teeth and I went again to my room to get dressed for work. I wore a white long-sleeved blouse and a beige pencil skirt partnered with my black high heels. I fixed my hair into a ponytail to make my face look neat.

Alice gave me a lift again and we walked together towards our boss's offices.

"You're early, Liv. Good morning," Emily smiled as I sit down.

"I wouldn't like to have a bad impression on Mr. Parker," I explained with a smile.

"Judging by what you showed him yesterday, I'm sure he already knows that he made a good decision the moment he hired you," she praised me while handing me the tablet of Mr. Parker's schedule.

"Thanks for the inspirational words, madame," I joked and we laughed together.

We were fixing the papers and I thought of asking her something.

"Emily? Can I ask you something?"

She looked at me with confusion. "Of course, what is it?"

"Why did you decide leave the job?"

I could see the sad look in her face when she remembered.

"Uhm, it's okay if you can't tell me," I said in embarrassment. I should've not asked that!

"No, I do want to," she insisted.

I pressed my lips together. It seems like it's a personal thing. I must have broken through her barrier.

"My family and I decided to go back to our hometown in Texas," she explained nicely. "My dad said we can start our own business there."

I can feel like she has a reason to be lonely.

"You'll miss your work?" I asked politely.

"It's not just the work that I'll miss, Liv."

What she said made me wonder a little.

"I'll miss working with him," she smiled bitterly.

I knew it! Emily has a thing for Mr. Parker.

"You like him, don't you?" I said in a low voice.

"I mean, no one doesn't," she laughed. "It's like you're falling for him without even knowing why."