A Day in Mr. Parker's House

"Emily," I tried to sound nice. "What are you doing here?" 

She chuckled lightly. "Shopping, of course." She looked at the mirror to apply a dark red-colored lipstick. 

Some of the ladies behind us were looking at her reflection. Probably because she's wearing clothes that are too showy and also her face is covered with thick makeup. 

"Are you with someone?" She asked while fixing her curly hair.

Our eyes met again and she's waiting for my response. "No, why?"

"Great, so can we have a drink?" 

Emily does know that I have work, right? I can't be drunk. Plus, I'll need to take responsibility on some of Mr. Parker's work tomorrow. I'm not very sure that he's already well.

"I can't. I have work tomorrow," I said before putting my lip balm back in my bag.

"Or are you just avoiding me?" She raised a brow. If I don't want to drink with her, that's not her decision to make anymore. This girl is making me feel that I owe her something even I don't.

"It was nice seeing you again, Emily. I should go now," I said. I pressed my lips together before walking out. But as soon as I passed the exit, I heard her voice again so I turned.

"Hey, isn't that so rude?" Emily chuckled. "Why are you leaving so soon? You didn't even say hi to me in the first place."

I heavily sighed. "I'm sorry, Emily. But I really need to go home now."

She just crossed her arms with her bag hanged on one shoulder. "So, Alice told you everything now, huh?"

From that very moment, I felt very uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about?" I raised my voice a bit but she didn't even care. Emily has this reaction on her face that will make you think if she's being sarcastic or she just loves seeing people with confused by her attitude.

"Don't play innocent, dear Liv," she said in a calm voice before walking towards me. We're on the same height even she's wearing higher heels than mine so I was able to make a straight eye contact on her. "Everyone must have told you that I'm a slut, a whore and a gold digger." On every word, she made a rising intonation.

"If they did, are you going prove that they aren't wrong?"

There's just one thing that isn't clear to me at all. Almost all of my colleagues hate her and that's why Emily hates them so much too. But why is she having the courage to talk to me like this? Was it because I showed her how I communicate with good people? I figured out that maybe it was, but I feel like I'm starting to regret it.

"Oh, come on. It's not like you didn't believe them," she chuckled. "Well, they're actually right."

And she had the audacity to say that?!

"In fact, they missed something. I'm also into rich and hot guys. And Mr. Deckard Parker fits so well for me," she proudly said like a spoiled brat. 

Mr. Parker might be a flirty one but he's not playing with a full deck.

"You seem so full of yourself, Emily. You're just adding insult to your injury," I calmly said which made her furious.

"I don't care what people think of me. As long as I get what I want, I don't have anything to worry about."

I simply shook my head; this woman is unbelievable. "You know what? I'm curious of what your parents did to make you grow up like this. But I get it now, they must've wanted you to be locked up in your house on Texas so you won't do stupid things like this anymore."

She suddenly laughed as if something was funny. This woman is really something, geez. 

"I thought you were a smart person, Liv," she chuckled again and it's so annoying. "Of all of the lies I told you, you actually believed one."

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I feel so stupid, she tricked me.

"Did she hurt you?"

Me and Alice are now inside the car and we're in the middle of a heavy traffic. I told her what happened before I got the chance to go back to her car.

"No, I won't let her do that," I answered.

If Emily's desire is to get Mr. Parker's attention, then why did she leave? Why did she resign? She's making a 'U-turn' now, huh.

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"Did you take your medications, sir? It seems like your fever is still not cooling down. You shouldn't be here," I immediately said as soon as I gave him his schedule.

"Relax, Liv. I-I'm fine," he stuttered, so he's not fine.

"You're not, sir. I can see that you're head still feels heavy." He just stared at me like he was saying, 'how the hell did you know?' "So, I'm calling Rowan to send you back to your house. You can't work until you're fully fine."

"I don't want to," he answered while putting down the tablet and looking on some paper works.


"If you don't want your helper to take care of you, I will. So, I'll call Rowan now whether you like it or not."

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"Hey-I mean, sir! What are you doing?" I raised a brow when he stood up from his bed while I was sitting and sorting his medicines.

Mr. Parker immediately looked at me. "I'll just get the blinds down."

"Leave it to me," I said before standing and walking towards the window.

"Okay," he raised his hand in a sign of surrendering. "I'll 'leave' it to you, 'Liv'." He went back to his bed and covered himself with the blanket. He's now wearing pajamas and a plain t-shirt so he'll be comfortable."

After I pulled down the blinds, I sat on the chair beside his king-sized bed. I reached for his forehead and it was still a bit hot.

"Your temperature is high again. You should've not come to work," I said. "Are you hungry?"

"I ate like forty-five minutes ago. You're not trying to make me fat, aren't you?" He chuckled.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot," I said when I remembered.

Few minutes have passed and he was already asleep now. I turned the light off before going to the kitchen to cook for his lunch. I was planning of making chicken soup and steamed vegetables. Luckily, his fridge is full. It's like I can cook anything I want here.

It took me almost an hour to cook. After I put the soup in the bowl, I mixed the steamed vegetables together on a plate. I also poured water on the glass before putting everything on the tray. The door in his bedroom wasn't that closed so I still managed to come in. Mr. Parker is now awake and he's leaning on the headboard while watching his favorite tv show, I guess.

"How's the sleep, sir?" I asked before putting the tray down on the bedside table.

"My head isn't as heavy as lately anymore," he said before glancing at the food I made. "So, you're a cook now, huh?"

"Still learning, sir. But I did my best," I said then smiled before sitting again on the chair.

"Don't tell me you're gonna feed me like a-"

"Like a 7-year-old kid? If that's what you call it, then yes, I will." The soup was still hot and I needed to blow a bit to make it cooler. "Don't tell me nobody treated you like this before," I said curiously.

"No one aside from my mom," he answered.

Well, for today, I'm going to be his secretary/mom.