
I'm very sorry for having a replayed chapter because I do have a lot of school works these days and also I'm doing my research paper. I promise to update new chapters every day once I finished these.


Chapter 31: Liv's Decision

"What's bothering you?" Mr. Parker asked me.

We're here in New Jersey, visiting the site as usual. Everything here has been going great ever since they started building last month. They said the building might take a year or two to be fully furnished so we have to be patient about it. Based on the output that I saw, it looks bigger than the current one where we're staying. But Mr. Parker told us that we'll still be staying in the main hotel even this one is finished so there won't be any problems with how far the employees should drive to go to work.

"Nothing, Sir," I simply said even I know I lied. We're standing at his favorite spot here on the site.