A call

After checking for a few seconds he could see that Black Bolt's brother hadn't caused any major harm to the inhumans. Black Bolt was one of the most powerful superheroes in the marvel multiverse.

If a person couldn't speak just because a small whisper of him could destroy everything surrounding him, then it could be understood how insane his powers are. John was levitating high above the city.

After making sure that everything was in place, he vanished. And this time he was back home. At the Hall of Justice.

"Avengers, gather at the Hall of Justice. We have a situation." John said.

He went and took while he waited for all the Avengers to gather in a few moments. And as expected after a few minutes everybody was at the Hall. Only a few were very far away and their images were projected in a screen. Hal and Natasha were out in space doing their work so they couldn't be here.

"It's been some time since we have gathered." Hal said.

"Oh c'mon.. It only felt like yesterday. Why do you make me feel that we are becoming old?" Tony said.

"Says the guy who doesn't age anymore." Clint said referring to the fact that all the people here were taking the dose of life force from the body of the deceased dragon.

"Alright shimmer down you all, John must have gathered us all here for a purpose." Clark said. If he didn't interrupt they would be arguing for minutes if not hours.

"Annihilus is coming." John said. This made all of the people silent.

"So what is new about that? We already know this." Banner said.

"He has already destroyed a dimension. And only one person was able to escape." John said as he dropped the horrifying bomb on them. All the people clenched their fists and teeth with anger.

"When did this happen? Where is the survivor?" Wayne asked.

"She is in another universe with Peter. One of the Peter's whom we have helped before while we dealt with Master Weaver." John replied.

"We need to bring her in and then ask her about this being. Maybe we can find out ways to defeat this guy." Clark said.

"Defeating him isn't a problem, how we defeat this guy is the main issue here. He has an army of antimatter bugs." John said.

"Then Umbrella will make an army of drones. Since drones have been all the craze here, we will just add more." Tony said.


"There is another matter. After 7 days there would be mutants moving to our universe." John said. Everyone had a weird look in their eyes when John said that. The last time they met mutants, they were in dire straits and John had to change the whole Earth just to show that people were helpless.

"Mutants? Why? When did you become such a saint?" Arthur couldn't help but ask.

"The mutants in their universe were hunted down like dogs so I proposed to them the idea of moving here. We will gain a powerful ally which will be helpful for us in the long run."

"Good deal I guess. We will have to make space for them in one of the moons. And make sure that they don't cause problems for people." Clark said.

"I will tell Pepper to leave a moon in the negotiations with the aliens." Tony said.

"We will have to renegotiate everything." Wayne said.

"Will this be too much of a burden?" John couldn't help but ask.

"Naah.. It will be fine. Are all the mutants arriving?" Tony asked.

"I am not sure. I know many mutants are going to come. But I am not sure how many. Just give them half of a moon for now. We can discuss the land deals later. Give others leases of like 20-30 years. That will do." John said. Tony nodded his head.

"Now tell us how you know of this new dimension?" Clint asked as he was curious how John came to know of a deceased realm. John then narrated all of the things that had happened in the last 36 hours. His travel to another Earth and then has a meeting with Chavez and the mutants.

At the end the problem of Sentinels.

"So you killed many people?" Clark couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, I didn't want to but they left me with no choice. Some lines were crossed." John said. Though he knew that Clark never liked killing, John himself had no other choice. As Clark was going to say something John's eyes creased a bit as he looked at his pocket.

"What is it?" Wayne asked.

John took out a wooden plate and saw that it was broken. It was the contact talisman that John had provided to many of his friends in his journey to the multiverse. Few days ago, one was broken and now there was a second one.

The one John really didn't want to see break.

The one which was with Venom.