

Chapter 91: Misunderstood

Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon...

Miranda POV




It hurts…

Ugh… That damn dragon… it hurt me so badly…

I don't know how it even managed to get inside my soul and attack me like that! That damn… giant and disgusting being!

Uagh! I hate it so much!

Why… Why did it have to show up out of nowhere and ruin our perfect world?!

I was so happy before with Miranda at my side, we don't need anyone else than ourselves!

After all, we are twins for a reason…

But why? Why is she neglecting me so much?

I don't know… I have only been trying to help her this entire time! I have only been trying to save her, to make her suffer less…

I don't know how we landed here, to begin with, but… it all started on another world, Earth.

I was… I don't know what I was.

I used to be a being without a mind.

And perhaps I still exist there, as my body seemed endless.

Perhaps I am but a mere fraction of my real self.

But from what memories I had, I was found in a cave in Africa.

I don't know how I landed there, but I was there.

I barely remember anything before I acquired consciousness after fusing with Miranda, so all of this is confusing for me.

Every time I try to remember what I used to be, it hurts my mind, it is like a thundershock.

But… Ungh…

What I remember from it if I bear the pain is that…

I landed there somehow.

With a bang.

There was some burning pain when I landed on Earth… And then, through the night, it healed.

And then… I crawled… and crawled…

Until I found a cave, it was fresh and cold.

And I resided there… I don't know for how long.

Until I was found by someone that took a piece of me, and then began to do strange things.

That piece of me is me.

And amongst the strange experiments, there was one that included cutting another piece of me and fuse it with a little fetus.

This was Miranda.

By fusing myself with her cells, and deeply rooting into her bones ad head, I managed to share consciousness with her brain.

And that's… how I got a mind.

I suppose it was a fate-bound encounter.

But the experiments they did to us were awful, and Miranda suffered a lot.

I was always trying to save her, to fight back against these scientists… but they always managed to suppress me and used Miranda for their vile goals.

I couldn't express the hate I harbored for them…

How dare they make Miranda suffer so much?

I wanted them all dead, all dead!

So one day, when we were finally strong enough… we killed them all!

Damn bastards, they all died horribly.

I still am savoring their deaths.

It feels good to kill, taking away the life of the weak and pathetic that dares damage us… it feels delicious.

It is something that we don't share with Miranda.

She doesn't like that, she is a gentler girl.

But it is fine, after all, I am the sister that does the fighting.

I will always protect my little sister from all the bad people.

That dragon is a bad people too!

She is trying to take her away from me, to teach her weird things.

And she is developing weird feelings for that monster.

How disgusting! Why are you feeling like that, Miranda?

I don't understand.

The only thing he does is forcing you to exercise, to give you horrible food that makes your stomach ache, and to force you to train that strange energy known as mana, all so he can feel better with himself!

Don't you realize that he is just a hypocrite? He is just trying to feel better with himself by helping you! He only sees you as a pathetic little girl! I bet he doesn't even care about you and only that you grow stronger so you can become his tool or something!

He probably wants to use our power for that, I bet!

But instead of feeling any anger against him… You only keep increasing your affection for him! What is wrong with your head, Miranda?!

You disappoint me, little sister…

And you… you even neglect me like this, after everything I've done to protect you.

You treat me as if I were a monster that has only been parasitizing you when I've been protecting and saving your life this whole time, this whole time!

I can't believe how ungrateful you are!

It… really hurts me…

It makes me feel so bitter.


You're… the only thing I have…

Why do you treat me like this?

Miranda… you're my world…

Why? Why do you… treat me like garbage now?

After… after all, we have done together…

After all the time we have enjoyed together… after all the good times…

After surviving and trying to look for a better future together…

I even let you have that stupid family that I didn't even care for on Earth…

Yet… yet you treat me like this?

It hurts…

It hurts so much…

What purpose is there for me if you are not at my side?

I feel so empty without you.

What is the point of… even being alive?

I don't want this… Miranda… stop being angered with me…

Quickly realize the truth and forgive me! So we can… be together again…

Why do you have to treat me like this when the only thing I am trying to do is helping you?

Now I feel so weakened I can't do anything…

I am hopeless…

And alone…

I don't want to be alone…

Miranda… where are you?

Why is no one… with me?

Why… don't you love me?

Why… no one loves me?

I am… a miserable…

I am just an ugly piece of black mold at the end… I am… nothing…


I guess I am really… nothing…

I am just a piece of garbage… without Miranda, I am nothing.

I am empty…