

Chapter 110: Against Wind Slimes! 1

Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn As An Ice Dragon...




Breakfast time has been sadly stopped for the moment…

Because a few Slimes came by as we traveled, and these ones… could fly!

Yeah, I never thought I would see flying slimes… At most I thought we would see more evolved forms of Ice Crows as flying monsters, but nope, slimes!

And these guys are not normal, they look like little tornadoes, and are mostly green-colored, although some are green and pale blue colored, and others azure.

I never thought I would see actual flying slimes, and they spiral through the air wonderfully.

They emerged as a big swarm, resembling a cloud of these guys.

Each one was the size of a dog, although some evolved ones had larger sizes.

I can easily deal with them in the sky, but Benladann won't be able to fight at my side, she can't fly.

Well, she could fly if she were to use the mold on her own body to lift herself through Mold-Assisted Telekinesis… But as I had stated some time ago, she still doesn't want to physically touch it.

In the end, I left her inside of Fuyu while she, the wolves, Yuki, and Fuyu fired all sorts of long-ranged projectiles, aiming at the flying slimes and blasting them away. Although the slimes were very evasive and agile, so they were having a hard time aiming correctly…


I flapped my wings as I flew towards the swarm of slimes to get some close-up to their status and appearances, a group of about a dozen noticed me and flew towards me right away.

Name: Nameless.

Race: Wind Slime (Genderless)

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 1 (Peak Stage).

Status: Angry.

Average Estimated Vitality: 620/620

Average Estimated Mana: 592/620

Average Estimated Strength: 320

Average Estimated Dexterity: 1507

Average Estimated Magic: 620


[Slime Body]




[Physical Damage Immunity]

[Wind Absorption]

[Ice Resistance]

[Cold Immunity]



[Strong Gust]

[Slicing Winds]

Oh! This is the first time I see something with Wind Absorption. It also has Ice Resistance and Cold Immunity… and it also has Flight, Strong Gust, and Slicing Winds! Are those Spells?


The ability to fly in midair through the usage of mana as propulsion.

[Strong Gust]

Release a strong gust of winds that expulses a decently strong force.

[Slicing Winds]

Release a burst of slicing emerald winds, dealing slash damage.

Huh, so more or less what I can do with my winds… But wait, they got absorption, so it is completely useless, how nice.

Well, there's always my ice to count!

I quickly launch Skadi at the slimes, which quickly begin to fly through the air, piercing their green-colored Mana Cores like nothing!


I release a roar, as my fear-inducing aura reaches the Slimes, who grow shocked and paralyzed, as Skadi quickly impales them one by one!

Crash! Crash! Crash! Crash!

The sounds of their Mana Cores getting cracked and shattered into pieces were like music to my ears!

However, some bold ones combine their strength and unleashing a strong gust of winds against me!


The gusts they conjure merge together into a powerful tornado, reaching to me!

But I stand there, as I receive the attack head-on!


"Ah! Drake!" cried Benladann from far away, as she and the wolves and Yuki glanced at my entire body being engulfed by the tornado.

"Don't worry, this is nothing. (I have high-leveled wind resistance after all! Slicing myself with my own winds every day did work at the end!)"

I quickly release my fear-inducing aura as the slimes grow paler (figuratively), seeing that I was completely unfazed by their combination spell!

"Gate of Babylon!"

As I roar the infamous technique, I suddenly generate dozens of weapon-shaped projectiles made of hard ice, launching them at the group of Wind Slimes above me, while Skadi takes care of the ones around me swiftly.

Flash! Flash! Flash! Flash!

The dozens of projectiles fly like missiles towards the group of wind slimes at a fast speed, all thanks to my Projectile Fire Skill, which lets me launch multiple projectiles at once without even needing to use wind magic anymore!

The Wind Slimes try to evade, and some manage, but the majority gets their Mana Cores easily pierced and shattered, I have a pretty good aim.

Clash! Clash! Clash!

The slimes quickly fall over the ground as their mana cores get shattered, leaving a lot of "loot" for me to pick up later down below!



Suddenly, I realize that something grabbed my leg!

I quickly glance at my left leg as I find a large mass of many wind slimes together, how didn't I or Skadi not detect them?!

Name: Nameless.

Race: Wind Slime Legion (Genderless)

Mana Core Cultivation: Rank 2 (Initial Stage).

Status: Angry, Fused.

Average Estimated Vitality: 2720/2720

Average Estimated Mana: 2692/2692

Average Estimated Strength: 920

Average Estimated Dexterity: 3807

Average Estimated Magic: 2620


[Slime Body]

[Acidic Dissolve]



[Physical Damage Immunity]

[Wind Absorption]

[Ice Resistance]

[Cold Immunity]



[Strong Gust]

[Slicing Winds]



[Conceal Presence]

[Wind Camouflaging Coat]

Oh, it is really a Legion, just like Benladann once was when she merged with the mold and various molded beasts…

The giant Slime Legion begins to stretch its body as it expands around my leg, trying to dissolve it by using its gastric acids.

However, my scales are incredibly hard and dissolve way too slowly! You will need the power of a Fire Dragon to even melt these quickly.

I quickly shapeshift my own Phantom Body into a claw, and materialize it through Phantom Materialization, releasing a series of slashing attacks over the Wind Slime Legion!

The Wind Slime Legion counters with a blast of winds, but I am mostly unaffected by it!



"You only made the work of killing you easier, you fool!"


I quickly manage to easily shatter a dozen of mana cores at the same time, slowly lowering its power until it is so weak that I slurp it like a snack!

The last standing slimes struggle, but they get all eaten alive!

Hm… It tasted a bit like lemon.