(Morning Alarm rings)
Grace: good morning honey
John: good morning love
Grace: I can't believe we did this,I mean moving down here.
John: yeah well it's best,you know for Alex to get a good start.
Grace :well I hope it worth it.
John:(kisses grace ) ,then gets out of bed
Grace:Alex! Lucy! come have your breakfast you're almost late for school
Lucy: be right down mom,..... good morning mom! dad!
John/Grace: good morning pumpkin
Alex: good morning dad! mom!
John/Grace: morning Alex
John: are you ready for your first day of college
Alex: well I don't see a reason to be excited about it
Grace: hmmm Lucy are you set for school
Lucy: yes mom,
Alex: am off then, excuse me........
[At the University ]...
{Alex on his bike... heading to the parking lot}
{ Aat driving to the parking lot..... almost collided with Alex in the parking lot}...
Aat: Car honking..... ,Wind down car window ....Hey!!!!! What do you think you're doing, can't you drive properly or better still don't drive at all
Alex: ignores and parks beside other cars,taking off his helmet...
Aat: daydreaming staring at most charming boy he has ever met, heartbeat increasing
Alex: what are you staring at? Do I have something on my face ....
P Aat: huh.. clears throat... What who's staring,I wasn't staring
Alex: whatever..... Walking away
P Aat: hey wait... What faculty are you?I haven't seen you around before.
Alex: why do you care,.....walks away
P Chet: hey Aat....I have been looking for you, did you get the guitar pick?
P Aat: smiling ...huh
P Chet: hey man what's up, what happened to you, and whats the smile for ?
P Aat: gem! I just met an angel
P Chet: where? Huh I mean what angel? ....Aat!!!... Checking his watch hey Aat I've got to go or I'm going to be late for freshmen orientation..... bye
P Aat: bye.
[Faculty of medicine]
(Registration stand )
Behind Alex.....Sue....
Sue: {tapping on Alex}... please move your foot...{while trying to pick up her fallen notes.}
Alex: {turning around}....oh am sorry....{assist in picking the notes }
Sue: thank you, I'm Sue,
Alex: Alex
Sue: you don't seem to be from around here!
Alex: huh no,I moved here two weeks ago from U.S.... and turns away to {sign in for registration}
Sue: oh.....{looking confused}
{ Orientation hall}
[Ongoing activity]
P Chet: hello everyone,now it's time to introduce ourselves, I will go first..I'm Chet Tuangrat (p Chet)... let's well come Sue .
Sue: hello I'm am Sue Tipkamol (with a smile)
[Everyone clapping]
(Aat and Sol walking in).....
P Chet: next is Alex....
Alex: hi everyone, I'm Alexander Miller
Aat : {daydreaming and staring at Alex} ....heart racing ,....thinking out loud ...{my angel}
P Sol: hey Aat isn't that the foreigner who move to Thailand with his family? I heard he is a snob
P Aat: hmm I guess so
P Chet: ok that all for now let welcome Chimlin to address you all on our next activity.
P Chet leaving the stage and walking towards his friends Aat and Sol.
P Chet: hey guys finally you came!
P Sol: well yeah Chet only because I'm starving
P Aat: Chet do you know that foreigner
P Chet: {looking back at Alex} well not really, his name is Alex, and he doesn't like mingling with others
P Sol: guys can we go now! I can see a white light calling
P Aat: Sol didn't you just had a snack not long ago.....[ teasing on Sol]
{All laughing}.
[Cafeteria hall]
P Sol: finally I'm saved { happily}
P Chet: Aat that reminds me, what is going on with you? You seem lost in thoughts since this morning
P Aat: huh ....me.....oh no. I'm just thinking about a project.
P Sol: huh what project Aat? I didn't hear about any project from today's class... {looking confused}
P Chet: Aat I saw the way you looked at the new kid .....{teasing Aat}
P Aat: {shy}..... Let's eat.