P SOL: what a great meal.

P Chet: errr..... I guess you're filled up.

P Sol: I think so ...

P Aat: how was it Alex?...

Alex: it was very good and spicy too.

P Aat: you like spicy food?

Alex: yeah.

Alex: {checking the time}...oh shit !

P Aat: what's wrong

Alex: I forgot I've got assignment to do.

P Aat: do you want to leave now?

Alex: yes please,if you don't mind.

P Sol: hey Alex don't go yet.....

P Aat: it's fine, come lets go I will drop you off.

Alex: hmm....bye p Chet, bye p Sol.

P Chet: bye...

P Sol: oooooooo , bye .

[Alex Home]

Alex: thank you p Aat.

P Aat: what for Alex?

Alex: for showing me around.

P Aat: it's nothing .

Alex I'm gonna go in .

P Aat: hmm bye

Alex: drive safely.

P Aat: thanks.........

{ Alex goes into the house}

Alex: I'm home...

Grace: welcome home son,how was your date

Alex: mom... it's not a date,Aat and I are just friends.

Grace: is that so dear?

Alex: yes mom.

Grace: at least did you have fun?

Alex: yea I did.

Grace: oh that's good, well did you have dinner yet?

Alex: yes, hmm good night mom I've got assignment to do.

Grace: good night son.

[Alex room]

{working on his assignment,he gets a line message}

P Aat: I'm home.

Alex: ok.

P Aat: are you still working on your assignment?

Alex: yeah I'm alot done.

P Aat: ok, I will leave you to it.

Alex: good night p Aat.

P Aat: good night.

[At the University]

{Luke chatting with his friends}

Kin: Luke.... I've got something to ask .

Luke: yes?

Kin: how do you know that foreign kid?

Fa: err yea Luke

Son: what kid?

Kin: the foreign new kid in medical department.

Son: oh the really cute one with white skin,...

Luke: errr... Nothing.

Kin: hey ..... tell us the truth, you seem interested in him

Luke: {feeling embarrassed}

Fa: what do you even like about him.

Luke: he's cute and if I want him.

Son: err but he's always with Aat, or do you think there's something between them?

Luke: {feeling uneasy}...shut up Son.

Son: I'm just saying.

Luke: I'm leaving.

Fa: hmm what's with him?

[Medical Faculty]

Sue: Alex...

Alex: yes Sue?

Sue: did you finish your assignment?

Alex: yes.

Sue: that reminds me,I met with P Luke and he was looking for you.

Alex: why ?

Sue: no idea, but I think you should meet with him to find out.

Alex: not really.

Sue: whyyyy? He might confess to you {teasing Alex}....

Alex: errrrrrrrrr .

Sue: just meet him.

[Engineering Faculty]

{Kin chatting with Son and fa}

P Chet: {walking to the group}....Son

Son: oh .....p Chet good morning

P Chet: good morning,

P Chet: hi kin, Fa.

Kin: hi Chet

Fa: hi Chet

Kin: are you looking for Luke?

P Chet: hmm no I came to see Son.

Fa: oh... Son

Son: why are you here?

P Chet: come have breakfast with me !

{Kin and Fa surprised}

Son: no

P Chet: {smiling}....oh why?

Son: I don't want to.

P Chet: {teasing Son}...are you afraid to eat with me

Son: no .

P Chet: then eat breakfast with me

Fa: {teasing} hey Son be a good wife and eat with him

Son: asshole shut up.

Kin: {trying to excuse himself}

....errr I need to make a call.

Son: oOO.. kin.... Where are you going

Fa: hey kin, wait for me.

P Chet: {smiling}

Son: why are you smiling?

P Chet: nothing, let's go

Son: {feeling reluctant to get up}

P Chet: {holding and pulling Son's hand}... let's go.

[Cafeteria hall]

P Chet: here...

Son: { signs}... thanks

Son: I hope I don't have to see you again after this!

P Chet: {giggles}...why,

Son: I don't know what you're upto.

P Chet: hmmmn ,do you know?

Son: just tell me, what do you want?

P Chet: be my wife.

Son: {choking on the food}....hell no

P Chet: but why?

Son: {standing up to leave}....I'm done.

P Chet: Son.....Son .

[Basketball court]

Luke: Sol.. have you seen Alex today?

P Sol: hmm no,he should be in class.

Luke: yeah

P Sol: are you ok?

Luke: yea, come on let's practice.

[Music club]

{Aat practicing with the group}

P Chet: hey Aat, have you talked with Alex yet?

P Aat: {feeling down}...not yet.

P Chet: why ?

P Aat: I don't think I can.

P Chet: why not.

P Aat: we've finally become friends, I'm afraid he might stop being friends with me.

P Chet: but if you don't tell him he will never know how you feel.

P Aat: hmm

P Chet: come on mehn what happened to you, where not like this before

P Aat: I just don't want to make him feel uncomfortable.

P Chet: hmm.

P Aat: what about you? How's it going with Son.

P Chet: we had breakfast together.

P Aat: really?

P Chet: yea then he ditched me when I asked him to be my wife.

P Aat: shit....

P Chet: {smiling} ...don't worry I'm not giving up.

[Medical Faculty]

{ Sue and Alex sitting at the outdoor bench chitchatting }

Sue: hey.... hey.... Alex... he is coming.

Alex: who ?

Sue: p Luke...

Sue: hi p Luke

Luke: hi .... Alex

Alex : hi p Luke.

Luke: can we talk?

{ Alex turning to Sue,... Sue whispering back....go on }

Alex: hmm .

Sue: errrr then I will go get a snack.

Alex: what is it you want to say?

Luke : can I have your number?

Alex: why

Luke: hmmmn, so I call talk to you more often.

Alex: p Luke,.... what do you mean more often? As I can remember,we are not on the same department and level.

Luke: I like you.

Alex:..... huh....{looking speechless}

Luke: I like you Alex.

Alex: I'm sorry p Luke,I....I don't feel the same way......sorry.

Luke: is it because of Aat?

Alex: it has nothing to do with p Aat.

Luke: then please give me a chance.

Alex: I'm sorry...{then walks away}.

[Cafeteria hall]

Sue: there you are Alex,I have been looking everywhere for you.

Sue: what's wrong,you look like you have seen a ghost.

Alex: {looking worried}.... nothing.

Sue: {teasing} what did you discuss with p Luke?

Alex: so nosy.

Sue: ofcourse it's my job.

Alex: you where right.

Sue: huh about what ?

Alex: about a confession.

Sue: OMG..... really.

Alex: hmm.

Sue: sooooo

Alex: so ?

Sue: did you accept?

Alex: what?.. ofcourse not.

Sue: why

Alex: nothing.i don't feel same towards him.

Sue: oi such a hot guy.

Alex: you're exaggerating.

{Aat walking into the cafeteria with his friends}

Sue: hey look who's coming.

{Alex turns}....