
Shade and his group slowly walked around the town of Aíma Malliá. They had finally been permitted entry into the town after speaking with the male NPC.

"So, what do we do now?" Asked Arora curiously.

"Knowing Shade, he'll probably tell us to start preparing for the First Stage..." Sighed Tristan.

"Actually, no. I think we should wait a while before attempting the First Stage," replied Shade.

Arora and Tristan froze. They could hardly believe their ears. Shade always seemed ready to go, not wanting to waste a second. It was a massive shock hearing him delay doing the First Stage.

"No way! Are you serious right now?!" Exclaimed Tristan.

"Does it look like I'm joking?"

"Yes! Does that mean we can actually take our time looking around for once?"

"Yes, but try not to let your guard down. Remember you're still in a survival game."

Tristan shrieked with joy as he began thinking about all the things he would do. He could get used to Shade acting a little carefree every now and then.

"This is unlike you though. Why are you being so lenient all of a sudden?" Inquired Arora.

"Lenient? Don't get me wrong. I'm not doing this because I think any of you deserve it. I simply need time to gather information on the First Stage. Rushing in without knowing what lies ahead would be unwise. We should take a day or two to see what we can find out."

Tristan and Arora immediately settled down. They understood what Shade meant. If they were to rush into the stage now, who knew what could happen to them? It was best to take their time and find out more information.

"Sigh... I hate to say it but you've got a point, which means we shouldn't be taking things lightly either," grumbled Tristan.

"I think the first thing we should do then is to find a place to stay for the time we'll be here. So I think I'll go find a motel for us in the meantime," stated Arora.

"That's fine. I'll be out trying to gather information while you two do that then," replied Shade.

Tristan then took a moment to think. They would need much more than a place to stay. They still needed other resources such as food, water, and new equipment.

"I think I'll go with Arora too then. We still need new weapons. Compared to you Shade, Arora and I look like chumps. It would be best if we purchased a few more items while we're at it. Maybe I could even sell some information to other players!"

"Sure. Do what you must. If you need anything, contact me through your friend's list."

Another feature of the game that they had discovered was how to add friends. This allowed the three to keep in contact with one another even when they were apart.

"Aye captain!"

Following this, Shade began looking around the town to see what he could find. The town was mostly empty due to the lack of players that had successfully managed to arrive there safely.

So far, the biggest hint that he had was the color red. Every building and tree within the town had a very dark red color. For some reason, even the item that Tristan had accepted had changed his hair color to red. Whatever the First Stage was about, Shade was certain that it had to center around something red.

Just then, Shade heard a startling scream not too far away from him. He turned his head to see a girl being attacked by a large boar at the end of a dimly lit alleyway. She didn't seem to have any weapons and her health bar was hanging dangerously in the red zone. She was barely fending off the monster with a small stick.

"Help me!" She cried out to Shade.

However, Shade simply straightened his head and began walking away. It was none of his concern and he wanted nothing to do with it. Not to mention that it would be less competition for him if she died.

"Someone asking for help... and an alleyway..? Been there already. Not interested in a repeat," he replied coldly.

"Please! I'll do anything! Just don't let me die! I'll give you money, items, or information! Whatever you want! Just please help me!"

Shade then came to a stop as he pondered. Was there a chance that she had information that he didn't already know?

Slowly, Shade then turned himself around and began approaching the girl. She was now pressed against a wall by the monster, barely holding onto her last bit of health points (HP).

"Thank you so much! Now, please, just kill this thing!"

However, to her surprise, instead of helping her, Shade calmly took a seat behind the boar as if he had only come to spectate.

"W-what are you doing?! You need to help me!"

"I need information. Can you provide me with that?"

"Yes! Yes, I can! But please kill this monster first!"

"That's not how this works. You tell me what you know then I'll help you."

"What kind of evil psychopath are you?! You do realize that if I take even a little more damage, I could die, right?! Save me first!"

"It seems you can just die then!" Said Shade as he picked himself up.

The girl gritted her teeth as the boar kicked its hooves against the hard concrete and shrieked aggressively. If she wasn't using the stick to block the boar's attacks, she would have surely been dead by now. She was lucky that the boar wasn't very strong.

"Okay, fine! I know that the first Stage has to deal with red hair!"

"Red hair?" Inquired Shade curiously.

"Yes! I know a little Greek! The town's name, Aíma Malliá means Blood Hair! That's why someone on your team gets their hair color changed to red when they enter the town! Now please just help me already!!!"

"What else do you know?"

"I swear on my life that I'll tell you everything I know! But I won't be any good to you if I'm dead, okay? So please, for the last time, save me!!!"

With a bothersome sigh, Shade withdrew his sword and slew the monster, saving the girl's life.

She then fell to her knees breathing heavily, grateful that she was still alive.

"I... I don't know... if I should even say... thank you right now..!"

"What other information do you have?"

"You always get straight to the point, don't you..?"

"I only need information which is why I saved you."

"Geez... Not even a shred of kindness, huh?" She sighed. "Fine though. The only other piece of information I have is that to complete the First Stage, you must be part of a team."

"A team?"

"Yes... And that team should have someone with red hair in it. The person who collects a strand of red hair from that male NPC is required to be part of your team if you're to do the First Stage."

Shade pondered. The information provided to him made sense when he looked at the bigger picture. It seemed as if this girl knew what she was talking about.

"Where'd you get this information?"

"It was from an Informant NPC. You know, those rare NPCs that provide you with information? I was lucky enough to run into one of them when I got here."

"I see."

Shade then turned himself around and began walking away. He had gotten two pieces of important information which he was satisfied with for now.

"Wait! Don't you at least want to know what happened to me?!" Asked the girl quickly as she ran towards him.

"Not really."

"Well, I decided to create my own team and became a team leader! At first, it was going great. I managed to formulate a team of five people including myself. But those backstabbing bastards ganged up on me and stole all my stuff when we got to this town! So I have no money, no items, and no weapons! Can you believe it? You trust people for a second and they stab you in the back!"

Shade then turned to take a good look at the girl as she had slightly caught his interest. She looked around the same age as him and had sky blue hair, bright blue eyes, and a very sweet smile.

"What's your name by the way?" She quickly asked.


"Well, I'm Celia! It's nice to meet you, Shade!"


"So, I know I'm kinda pushing my luck here but could you lend me a few pieces of silver? It would save a life!"


"No? Well, are you part of a team? If not, you could join my team! It just costs you a night's meal for two! *wink* wink*"

Shade sighed as he buried his face into his hand. Since they did need a team to participate in the First Stage and he had no desire to create a team of his own, it didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Fine... But there are three of us. We don't have a team currently so we could all join yours."

"Yes! This is great! Shade, sir, you're a blessing from above!"