Domain Boss Invasion!

After every member of Team Shadow Liege had taken care of their injuries, they had continued their journey to find the Third Stage. However, they had issues with locating the next town. Since their team lacked someone with the Class Ability of the Locator, finding their way around was still a major problem.

"Are you sure you know where you're going, Shade?" Asked Celia.

"I don't recall saying I was sure of anything. But I remember Tristan saying something about every stage being north of us."

"Wasn't he only referring to the First Stage when he said that?" Inquired Arora.

Shade sighed, "I don't know. This is all a pain... Let's just hope that we get lucky like we did when we found Sídēros Hema."

Everyone then went silent as they pondered. They didn't know if they were to continue or stop and take some time to think. This was when some luck finally came their way.

"Greetings travelers!" Suddenly exclaimed a burly man with light brown eyes and a bald head.