Koinós Echthrós

After the defeat of Arachnid, Team Shadow Liege had been transported to the entrance of the next town as promised. However, Kate, who had saved Celia's life was now a part of the team.

Shade had deduced that it would be best to allow her to join. Since potions were no longer usable, having a Healing Mage would be a good replacement.

Slowly, the team approached the gates of the town. This was when the usual robotic voice, Sky, began speaking with them.

"Good day, Team Shadow Liege! Congratulations on making it to the third town! The name of this town is Koinós Echthrós from the origin of the greeks. Please take a moment to observe your surroundings."

Everyone then began to observe their surroundings as instructed. However, they came to notice that the town looked quite normal. The buildings were all modern. It was almost as if they were back in the real world.