The Old Man Strikes Again!

After what had been an intense session of persuading players to fight back against the ME Organization, the hologram of the "Old Man" had appeared over the town of Típota. No one knew why he had suddenly appeared but they were sure it wasn't anything good.

"What the hell's he doing here..?" Cursed Rondo quietly.

"I don't know but I have a bad feeling about this..." Replied Celia.

Just then, the crowd of players below began screaming at the Old Man in rage. Not only were they taking out their built-up frustration on him but Celia's speech had given them the courage to stop being afraid.

"We're going to war with the ME Organization! We'll make you pay!!" Shouted one player.

"My best friend died because of your dumb game! I'll never forgive you!" Shouted another girl.

The players continued with their hateful words towards the Old Man. However, shortly after, he silenced them as he started speaking.