Shade and Celia

Shade had awoken to a heartfelt greeting by Celia. Her beautiful blue eyes were soaked wet from emotion and her silky smooth sky-blue hair braced against Shade's cheek from her hug.

Slowly, Celia then released Shade before looking into his eyes with a smile. This made Shade feel a little flustered— a feeling he was not accustomed to. However, this was mainly due to him and Celia being alone together.

"That's strange," said Celia as she wiped away a teardrop from her eye. "Usually, by now, you'd have pushed me away and told me that you're okay."

Shade averted his eyes before he answered.

"Why'd you come back for me..?"

Celia immediately took notice of the uncertain look present in Shade's eyes. He was acting a lot more passive than usual. To make things even stranger, he hadn't asked about his brother. Celia had been certain that the first thing Shade would ask about when he woke up was his brother. Surprisingly, that wasn't the case.