The origins of the Arachna were still unknown. After a short conversation with Kalik, Shade and Raven only grew more confused. However, they didn't have time to focus on such a matter. Their battle with Kalik was about to resume.
Shade and Raven stood side by side. They couldn't let their guards down for even a second. Kalik's teleportation ability was very troublesome. To make things worse, they were certain he had other abilities up his sleeve that they weren't aware of. They had to be cautious.
"Do you have a plan as yet, Head Reaper?" Asked Raven.
"You know, it would help us out a lot if you stopped depending on me to think of a plan. Maybe if you placed some effort into thinking up a plan yourself, we'd be somewhere by now..!"
"Sorry, but I'm not the best at making strategic plans in a team scenario. I work best alone."