A Shortcut To Great Power

Rebecca had led Team Shadow Liege inside her mansion. The interior was extremely gorgeous decorated with a few aesthetically pleasing paintings on the wall. The walls and ceilings had an ancient design made of elegant patent wood. There was even a neat crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

In the living room, there was a warm fireplace surrounded by a few comfortable couches and chairs. There was even an elevator and a staircase that climbed onto higher floors. The house was extremely beautiful.

"This house is super gorgeous! You have great taste, Miss Rebecca!" Complimented Celia.

"Thank you," she chuckled. "It's a house passed down by my family for many generations now."

"With a house as big as this, do you even use all the rooms?" Asked Shade.

"We don't use half the rooms here. The only ones that live here are my servants, my husband, my daughter, and myself."

"I see."