A Test

After being sucked through the second door, Kate and Shade had been separated from the others. They now found themselves in a strange place that somewhat resembled the planet Mars. It was filled with red hills and dirt, and even the sky was a mixture of red and black.

It had now been a total of ten minutes since they had been separated from the others. Unfortunately, they hadn't found any clues on how to escape the strange area.

"What are we going to do? This place is starting to seem endless..." Muttered Kate.

"According to the second door, we would be transported to a random area. That means the others are probably in an area similar to the one we're in right now," answered Shade.

"I want to worry about the others but I think we should worry about ourselves first..."

"I never said I was worried about them. I'm just trying to figure out what it is that we need to do."

Kate then sighed before slumping herself in the red dirt beneath them.

"What are you doing?" Asked Shade.