An Act of Selflessness

The cave shook violently like a powerful earthquake. A massive black-furred monkey with six arms and six eyes had jumped from the cave ceiling, landing before Shade. It was a domain boss.

Shade quickly moved away to gain some distance from the massive domain boss. He knew that its presence meant trouble. Since Shade and Kate were still unable to call upon their Soul Energy, fighting a domain boss would be near impossible.

"Oh my gosh! Shade, we need to get out of here!" Panicked Kate.

"We can't damn it! My life orb is the cave! I'll die if I run!"

"Then what are you going to do?! You can't fight that thing without your Soul Energy!!"

Shade then quickly unsheathed his sword. It didn't matter if he had his Soul Energy or not. He had to fight if he wished to survive.

"It doesn't matter, Kate. I'll kill this thing with or without my Soul Energy."