
Things continued to worsen for Team Freedom. They were facing a multitude of different problems that could easily result in their alliance falling apart. Now they were confronted by another problem yet again.

Nova had made up his mind to leave the team due to how things had gone. He believed that Team Freedom had become nothing more than a childish dream of defeating the ME Organization.

The others looked at Nova with disbelief. His decision had come out of nowhere. He had never been afraid of showing his doubts but this was taking it to another level.

"What do you mean you're leaving?!" Questioned Sadie in shock.

"It means that I'm quitting Team Freedom," answered Nova.

"Nova, hold on..!" Interjected Anwir. "Don't you think you're making that decision a little too fast?!"

"Honestly, I don't. I had plenty of time to consider this. Today just made me certain that this is the right thing to do."