Five against One

"Is this the reason I had a very bad feeling about the duel from the beginning? I still don't understand why a demon is here and he looks like the ones belonging to Daemon" Ray kept talking inwardly as stared at the duelling ground.

"If Daemon's demons are here, that means something is bound to hap...."

"Hey man, are you even listening to me?" Blades asked as he yanked his friend. He had been talking to him for some time now and he wasn't responding this he gave him a rough push on the arm.

"What were you saying?" Ray asked immediately to stop him from complaining further.

"We are being called, it's our turn. Let's go" Blades said and dragged Ray along with him.

They got into the arena and stood at the opposite side waiting for their opponents to come and when they entered, Ray used his eyes of sin on them to inspect them.

"What! They are all demons!" Ray yelled mentally as he diactivated the eyes of sin.