Special event

Jin woke after ten hours.

No, sound from his watch woke him, and of course, that was Chronos.

"First of all, congratulations to the players who managed to survive. Out of a thousand, only four hundred and thirty-nine killed one person." Just by listening to his voice, Jin could tell that Chronos was watching every movement they made.

He was enjoying watching them kill each other.

"I know what I said at the beginning of the "game," I said those who would not kill anyone in twenty-four hours would die by shock waves, but I changed my mind."

' Changed his mind? That is not possible. There is probably something else behind this. Wait, don't tell me ... ' Before Jin even finished his thought, Chronos said the thing that Jin was afraid of.

" I mean, I should get rid of one hundred twenty-two players, so I decided to create a special event to give them a chance!

The event will be called the Second Chance event!

The ones who did not kill will be the red team. The ones who kill will be the blue team. In this event, the blue would hunt the red team."

' Giving them a chance, my ass! Most of them did not kill because they were afraid to kill, the so-called Second Chance event is just a death sentence for them.' Jin thought while anger was accumulating inside of him.

" Of course, the red team can fight back or hide, but I am pretty much sure they will not be able to hide because the blue team will have a map on their smartwatches with the location of every member of the red team." Chronos sounded excited like he couldn't wait to get back in his chair and watch the show.

"Of course wouldn't be an event if there were no rewards.

The reward for the blue team is if they kill one person, the person who made the kill will get one point.

In the Trading rooms, which are everywhere in the maze, you can exchange the points for food, water, ammo, new guns, rifles, and even night vision glasses.

The reward for the red team is that the ones who manage to survive till the end of the event, I wouldn't get rid of them, and they can continue to play the "game..." Chronos made a pause before he continued speaking again.

" There is one rule that you must follow, and that rule is.

You cannot attack or kill a person from your team. If you do that and break this rule, the shockwaves will instantly kill you.

The event will start twenty-four hours from now and end one week later after it starts."

The moment Chronos finished speaking, a map opened on the smartwatch.

On the map, there were many red and blue dots.

Up in the corner of the smartwatch, there were two numbers in two different colors.

Four hundred thirty-nine was blue, and one hundred twenty-two was blue.

" Give me the whole map of the maze." Jin gave a command to his smartwatch. The moment when the smartwatch gave him the whole map, he was stunned.

" Wha...What...The fuck." The map of the maze was huge. Jin didn't waste time and asked. " What informations can you give me for this maze?"

" The maze is in a shape of a square, and each side is long twenty miles." The robotic voice came from the smartwatch and answered Jin's question.

Although Jin was still in shock, he was carefully examining the map. The blue dots were approaching the red dots.

The only marked thing on the map were the dots. Everything else was black.

Then he noticed.

" Why are there red and blue dots only on the west side of the maze?"

"Th...The maze has many parts. The part that you are in is called the West part. Each side of this part is five miles long."

" Can you give me more information for the other parts of the maze?"

"S...S...Sorry...N...No access allowed, the current authority level is not enough, No access allo..." The smartwatch turned off.

" Oh, great!" Jin muttered in frustration.

He opened his rucksack and took out the remaining food and water.

When he ate and drank the water, he left the empty bottle and can on the ground, took his rucksack, and started moving.

"Luckily, the madman had some food and water in his bag. Otherwise, after this meal, I would have nothing left to drink or eat."

While walking in the darkness, he was constantly trying to turn on his smartwatch.

When he finally managed to turn on his smartwatch, the map appeared on the screen showing one red dot surrounded by ten blue dots.

Their location was just two to three hundred meters from Jin.

Jin did not waste time and started running.

Without even thinking to turn right or left and only follow the map in a few minutes, Jin reached the position of the dots.

Ten men surrounded one woman.

Because Jin was running with his watch on, he was noticeable.

"Huh? Who are you!" One of the men asked. His voice was quite rough, and Jin could sense arrogance in his voice.

" I am nobody." Jin answered." Sir, could I ask what you are doing?" Jin asked kindly.

" We found this woman, and we were going to have fun with her and then kill her, but you came and disturbed us. You need to pay for that!" All of them turned their gaze on Jin. Jin was now able to see them, and they didn't disappoint his expectation.

They were all big and had muscular bodies.

They all had a bald heads.

The one that was talking with Jin had a scar above his eyebrow.

They all seemed to be military men.

' Pff. They are, as I thought, big muscle heads and cavemen.' Jin thought, but what he said was. " Sir, I don't have anything valuable. How can I pay you?" Jin's acting skills were pretty good. Even if the professional actor were to come, he wouldn't believe that Jin was acting.

"It is quite easy. Drop everything, your rifle, gun, ammo, and get out of here. If I see you again, I will kill you!"

' Ahh man, I didn't want to come to this.' Jin thought.

" Alright, sir!" As Jin was dropping his ammo and rifle with one hand, with the other hand, he was holding his gun behind him and waiting for an opportunity.

After a few minutes, he dropped everything, and only his gun was left.

" Hurry up! Drop your gun already!" The caveman with a scar above his eyebrow shouted.

" Don't drop your gun! If you drop it, they will kill you!" The woman screamed.

All men turned towards her, and this was the opportunity that Jin was waiting for.

" Bang! Bang! Bang..." As fast as the wind, Jin grabbed the opportunity and killed the men.