Chapter 21: One more. Just one more.

BLISS HAULED THE BUNDLE of straw and thatch over the burrow she'd made for herself out of rocks and packed snow. It was slow going. She couldn't feel her hands, and most of her clothing was either caked in ice or soaked. The handcuffs were the worst. Solid bands of freezing cold metal she couldn't escape from.

One more step.

One more handful of snow.

One more rock.

Since Daniel had scared her awake that morning, that had been her mantra. One more.

Bliss had never been one for the outdoors. She liked her comfortable apartment and her cushy bed. Beyond trying to stay warm, she didn't know what else she could do. The stick spear had been her great, innovative idea, but even that was gone now, buried in the pile of rubble that had been the A-frame hut.

All during the trip in the RV she'd imagined a bloody, horrible death, full of screaming and pain. Freezing hadn't been on her radar until last night. Now, even with the sun reaching its zenith, she couldn't feel her toes.