Chapter 31: Make love to me.


"Make love to me. I want to feel something besides fear and helplessness. Please." Her voice broke and she blinked a single tear.

"Shh." He cupped her cheek and wiped the tear away. "You never have to ask twice, darlin'. Stay right there."

She could have asked him for anything, and he'd have broken a dozen laws just to make her happy. Pleasing her, stroking her body to orgasm was no trouble at all. He wasn't a man used to soft lovemaking, but for her he could be whatever she needed.

He got up out of the bed and flipped the lock on the door with shaking hands. It wasn't much to keep anyone out, but if Jade or another agent came knocking it might give them pause before entering.

Travis turned toward the bed and paused. The other night he'd been pushed by a sense of need so sharp and deep that it might have been a dream. This time, he wanted each moment filed away in his memory so that Bliss would always be part of him.