Chapter 109: Next best thing.

Mason stared at the popcorn ceiling, his mind blissfully quiet. Hannah's breathing had evened out, not that he didn't like the sound of her panting and breathless, but sex was an entirely different aerobic activity. The sheets rustled. Hannah rolled to her side, her beautiful, bare body pressed against him. He groped around until he found her hand and squeezed.

He really needed to step up his post-sex game.

Had he ever been with a virgin?

Sex on the stairs and the dresser and...fuck...up against the wall. Not exactly baby steps.

He turned his head to catch a glimpse of her and a lump formed in his throat.

Her big eyes stared at him, little pools of water at the corners, ready to become Niagara Falls.

"What's wrong?" He turned, pulling her up against his chest. "Did I hurt you?"

"No, no."


He was an ass.

"What happened?" He swiped his thumb just under her eye, catching a bit of moisture.

"What did my dad say?"


