"YOU HAVE THAT MAN wrapped around your finger."
Abigail stared at the metal table between her and her ex-husband. Though they'd removed her handcuffs, she still felt their presence. She was a prisoner. And she'd given Baron the advantage. She should never have let Luke goad her into talking. They'd exposed too much of themselves in what was not a private moment. Baron was too perceptive to have missed it.
"How did you manage that? You only just met him." Baron drew on the table with a finger. "You were always good with people though. At least when you wanted to be. I'll never forget watching you, how you'd just...change. At home you were so quiet I'd almost forget you were there. And then we'd go somewhere. A dinner, maybe. You'd stand back, watch the room, and decide who to be. That's how I knew you'd make a good agent. Even as a girl, you knew how to read people."
She couldn't deny his words.