THE NEWS PLAYED THE same damn thing over, and over, and over again.
Luke swigged more beer. His mother sighed and said something to...was it Marco who'd come over? He'd stopped paying attention to the parade of people in and out of his apartment after the admiral had checked on him. No one else mattered.
Abigail was gone.
"We take you now to the FBI for new developments on this botched terrorist attack." The news anchor stared out of the TV, straight at him, her gaze condemning him for not saving Abigail. As if she knew he'd failed her.
SSR Ryan Brooks stood on the steps of some federal building, a few sheets of paper in his hands. Microphones from every station pointed up at him, flashes of light going off in his face.
The man looked grim but otherwise composed. It was a hell of a change from the guy who'd hauled Luke out of a police cruiser and nearly decked him a few days ago. But that was then, and this was now.