Chapter 270: Epilogue.

FIONA SHOVED ONE BOX over on top of the next and pulled the lid off the second.

There it was!

She lifted out the new sheet set she'd been saving for the last few weeks. Marco had laughed at her when she refused to use it on the apartment bed, but she'd held firm. She unfolded the sheets and tried wrestling them onto their brand new bed.

This-all of it-was their new home.


Well, it was their home away from Moab. All the doors and knobs worked, the windows shut, and her future mother-in-law didn't announce breakfast, lunch, and dinner over the intercom at the most inopportune moments.

Arms wrapped around her from behind.

"Need a hand?" Marco asked.

She grinned and leaned into his warm embrace. It was freakishly cold outside, worse than Denver, but he had body heat to spare. Something she greatly appreciated, especially at night.

"You just want to mess the bed up before I can make it." She elbowed him in the stomach.