Chapter 280

RYAN CHECKED HIS TEXTS and did a mental fist pump.

Both Alec and Vito wouldn't be home for a while. Granted, it was Saturday night, and they all tended to want to get out and do something on the weekend.

Ryan and Carson had the house to themselves.

Alec was probably out joyriding his new motorcycle.

Vito... Ryan had no idea where that bastard was. He just hoped Vito wasn't at Ian's pretending he wasn't in love with Taylor. She was never going to leave Ian. They had that kind of forever and ever vibe to them that no man could break, plus the bond of a new baby.

Carson emerged from the hallway. She'd put her hair up in a kind of messy bun thing. He wanted to cut the elastic immediately. Her hair was soft, stroke able, begging for his fingers to tangle in the long stands.

The corners of her mouth curled upward into a smile. A real one that punched him right in the gut.

"What is this?" She held up a green highlighter.