RYAN ROCKED CARSON FROM side to side. Her tears had subsided, but he knew this wasn't over.
He didn't care how much of a hard-ass a guy was or how cold a woman could be, seeing someone killed shook your world. That was infinitely worse when the one dying was someone familiar. There were personal connections and history, good or bad, that came back to haunt the living. He didn't have a guide that told him how long this would stun Carson for, he just knew that their shit had to wait. Not forever. He had a deep seated need to understand. He'd grown to care for this woman. It wasn't a choice. He couldn't change how he felt, but he did get to decide his role in the future.
"Better?" he asked. The sooner he could get her eating the sooner she'd feel more human.
Carson sat up, wiping her face.
"Yeah." Her voice was hoarse from crying and she sniffled a bit.