Chapter 306

RYAN HIT SEND ON the text and watched Zain's office door. Carson had held herself together all during planning and the call, but she was beginning to break. Merida had spirited Carson away before she began crying in earnest, but the fractures were there.

The door opened and Merida stepped out.

"How is she?" he asked.

"Better." Merida crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her chin up. "What are you doing with her?"

"What am I-? Helping her." Ryan frowned.

"No, I mean with her." She gestured at the office door and pitched her voice lower. "Ryan, I know you. I know how you are. I'm not judging, but-"

"It's none of your business."

"You've dragged everyone into this situation." Merida pointed her finger at him, her tightly controlled temper burning in her eyes. "You made it our business and that girl in there-"