RYAN WATCHED THE VIDEO feed of Carson's slow drive toward the waterfront meeting.
It was too quiet. Too perfect of a spot.
He didn't like this.
Something wasn't right.
He hit the unmute button on his headset.
"You're looking good on camera. We've got men around the spot so you're covered. You aren't alone out there." He hit mute again and glanced at Owen. "How many do you have out there?"
"Do you see them? Are they there?" Carson's voice wavered with fear.
He unmuted himself to reply. "Nothing yet, but that doesn't mean anything." Ryan quickly put himself back on mute as Carson's car reached the gravel lot at the end of the road.
"There's four guys on the roof watching," Owen said.
"Four? On the roof? That's it?" Ryan's blood went cold.
"We can't risk spooking them," Walker interjected.
"What do I do?" Carson asked, her voice pumped through the speakers for the whole room.
"Sit and wait. Everything is fine," Ryan said to her, then muted the line again.