Chapter 343: Thursday. Regional Airport, northern Lebanon.

They continued their circuit of the grounds. Vara found herself drifting away from him then toward him as her insides warred.

So what if he'd been her first love? That didn't mean he'd be the only man she cared for. She was still young and had never truly given a man besides him a chance at winning her heart.

"Vara? Hey, will you stop a second?" Alec paused on the north side of the hangar where the wind wasn't as harsh.


"When this is over do you think we could talk?"

"There isn't anything to talk about." The surge of panic was completely uncalled for, but there it was.

"I think there is." Alec took a step closer to her. "You kissed me back."

"Heat of the moment. Adrenaline. Don't make it out to be anything other than what it was." Her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth and sweat broke out along her spine and brow. Yeah she could taste the lie.

"Is that what you want it to be?" Alec stopped so close she thought she could smell the spices from their food on him.