Chapter 392: Friday. Soweto, South Africa.

COCO STARED OUT at the activity spread out in what was typically a parking lot. The Aegis Group guys had turned it into a command center with a huge tent, housing their planning areas and equipment storage. Today their teams were upgrading and installing cameras around the perimeter of Mlilo. It was astounding to see so much change happening.

And all because Lacey had gone off and fallen in love with the right guy.

Coco shook her head and smiled. Lacey was a force of nature. Nothing should surprise Coco anymore when it came to her friend.

She pulled out her phone and checked the time.

Just after lunch.

Technically she was still on holiday, but she didn't trust many people with her pangolins, so she'd been up at first light to tend to their injured and Sushi Roll.

She had enough time.

Daluxolo had said she could use his car rather than take her bike into Soweto.

If she was going at all, she needed to go now. Before too much time had past.

She was doing it.