EBRAHIM PULLED HIS baseball cap low on his face.
This was too easy.
The security around Mlilo was focused outward, not inward. All he'd had to do was hop on a delivery truck, keep his head down and ride it on in. Once inside, so long as he kept his hat and sunglasses in place, no one recognized him. There were enough research teams working alongside each other that it was possible to stroll the grounds and be completely anonymous.
Where was the bitch?
She'd had the audacity to come to his home after what she'd done to him?
His family were practically forced out of their home from being harassed by the cops. Ebrahim couldn't hardly show his face anywhere. If it wasn't for Bekker offering him a job if he jumped ship, Ebrahim didn't know where he'd be. He owed that man a hell of a lot.
But this?
This Ebrahim was doing for himself.
The harassment would never end until he made it stop.
Today was that day.