Chapter 446: Friday. Chinggis Khaan International Airport, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

EKKO'S INSIDES WERE BUBBLING, be it from nerves or excitement she wasn't sure.

Things were going to go exactly as planned, and Silas could suck it. The only thing they had to worry about now that Chayan was on this side of the border was running into DSS agents. So long as they were in public she held tight to the belief that they were fine. No DSS agent would do anything to endanger the UN visit, further protecting them.

Besides, this was real life and not some action movie. She knew firsthand the kind of underhanded shit the DSS could pull to upend people's lives once they'd fled, but even they had limits.

"Everyone stay close," Silas said as their taxi pulled up to the curb.

"Stop freaking out." She darted a glare at the man. His caution was making Chayan sick with fear. If Silas didn't lay off soon Chayan might run home, and then he'd for sure end up dead.

"I'm being careful," Silas countered.

She swallowed and stared straight ahead.