Chapter 466: Monday. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

PASLEY KEPT HIS FEET braced on the floorboard. The SUV hadn't stopped moving. It also hadn't gone where Pasley had expected it to. Then again, he had seen another SUV at the curb while Igney was focused on the Americans.

What were the chances Pasley was this lucky? Could his simple ploy to get some distance from the SUV and Aegis Group team have worked?

He didn't dare hope. Hope was dangerous. He still might have to kill the targets even though that wasn't what he wanted to do. He'd much prefer to slip away, go off to live his own, quiet life.

What would it be like to never again be expected to kill someone?

He stared down at his hands.

Sometimes he could still see blood on them that wasn't there.

Did he dare hope to be free?

"Finally," Igney mumbled.

Pasley glanced up at the SUV. It had stopped outside of a large, suburban home. They were miles from the condo he'd tracked the targets to. That didn't mean they hadn't moved.

He held his breath as the passenger doors opened.