EKKO STARED AT THE concrete floor. It had that artfully distressed look that went with the exposed brick and rustic ceiling beams, but was at odds with the stainless steel kitchen and stark white furniture.
Why white?
Why would anyone want white furniture?
For one, it was boring.
Second, it would get dirty and shabby in no time.
Third, why the fuck did she care?
Chayan was gone.
For a crime he hadn't necessarily committed. She'd gotten the passport. Not him. But he'd used it knowing it wasn't real.
This was her fault.
If she'd left well enough alone, he would have worked through his grief on his own. Yes, his home life would have been lonely. Chances were he'd get depressed, but couldn't talk about it for fear of bringing on the attention of the DSS.
She cradled her head in her hands.
If she'd never engaged in this plan those kids from the article would merely be grumbling under their breath.
Why had she ever said anything?